The screen looks something like this:


l - System board Memory

;: Keyboard


21Floppy disk drives and controller

Math coprocessor (8087)

;I Parallel port (printer interface) 11 - Serial port (us-232~port)

12 - Alternate serial port

14 - Dot-matrix printer

17 - Hard disk drives and controller

21 - Alternate parallel port

81 - Parallel port (on video adapter)

Is the DEVICE LIST correct (Y/N)?

4.If the list correctly describes your system, press Y and Enter. If a device

is missing from the list, or if you wish to change the list, press N and Enter.

Modifying the DEVICE LIST

When you press N and Enter in response to the prompt IS the DEVICE LIST correct (Y/N)’. , th ef011owing menu appears:


l- Add devices

2- Delete devices

O- Exit

Press 1 and Enter to add devices, or 2 and Enter to delete devices. A menu then appears that lists the devices you can add or delete. Type the number of the device you want to add or delete and press Enter. You can add or delete as many devices as necessary.

D-2Performing System Diagnostics