Running MENU from a diskette

If you are running the MENU utility from a diskette rather than a hard disk, when you select a specific operation the screen displays a message similar to this:

MODE.COM is not on the current disk or PATH

Press any key to continue...

At this point you need to switch to the Startup/Operating 1 diskette for the remainder of the operation. Remove the Operating 2 diskette from drive A and replace it with the Startup/Operating 1 diskette and then press any key. The screen that was displayed before reappears and you can continue the operation.

There are two alternatives to the disk-swapping described above:

Create a MENU diskette containing all the files necessary to run the MENU utility. To do this, you need to understand more about how the MENU utility is structured. See your MS-DOS manual for details.

Before you run the MENU program, type PATH B : at the A > prompt and press Enter. Then when you run the MENU program, the screen prompts you when to insert the diskette for drive B. At that point, insert the Startup/Operating 1 diskette in drive A if you have only one drive or drive B if you have two drives. Press any key to continue.

MENU utility options

Below is a description of what each option does. Step-by-step instructions for using each option are provided in your MS-DOS manual.

File Utilities

Lets you back up and restore files, replace files, compare files, change file attributes, copy files, and copy directories. This option does the work of these MS-DOS commands: BACKUP RESTORE, REPLACE, FC, ATTRIB, and



Lets you check, copy, compare, and format diskettes. This option provides an easy-to-use


Using MS-DOS with Your Equity Ie