Command Reference

Numeric Compaction mode: 2528 characters (at 2.93 data characters per codeword).

nSymbol size:

Number of rows: 3 to 90.

Number of Columns: 1 to 30

Maximum codewords capacity: 928 codewords.

Maximum data codewords capacity: 925 codewords.

Selectable error correction: 2 to 512 codewords per symbol.

But due to the limitation of SE450’s 2” Print head, the maximum data user can send in portrait and landscape mode as following:

Portrait mode: Any giving Dymo label can hold the maximum PDF417 barcode symbol column and row specified as following:

Column: 10

Row: 90

That gives user: the maximum characters with error correction level 0 sent to SE450 are:

nNumeric Compaction mode: 1318

nByte Compaction mode: 540

nText Compaction mode: 900

nAt error correction level 4:

nNumeric Compaction mode: 1224

nByte Compaction mode: 836 Text Compaction mode: 501

If the pdf417 barcode is too large to print in portrait mode, it will be printed in landscape mode, after printing the barcode, it will resume to portrait mode again.

Landscape mode

Maximum column is 30 and maximum raw is 74. In landscape mode, user can send the maximum data according to PDF417 specification which is described previously.

With current firmware setup, SE450 switches to landscape mode if user sends the data is too large for portrait mode to hold a complete PDF417 symbol image.

GS k command has different parameters in PDF417 2D barcode, it is defined as following:

ASCII GS k n c r e m1 m2 dl….dm

Decimal 29 107 n c r e m1 m2 dl….dm

Hex 1D 6B n c r e m1 m2 dl….dm


n = 14: specify it is PDF417 2D barcode.

c = user defined symbol column number (1 to 30 in landscape, 1 to 10 in portrait), if it is 0, which means the column will be calculated according to PDF417 specification by SE450 Firmware.

r = user defined symbol row number (3 to 74 in landscape, 3 to 90 in portrait); if it is 0 which means the raw will be calculated according to PDF417 specification by SE450 Firmware.


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Epson SE450 manual Command Reference