TheCaret Feature
Character Codes

Below is a li st showing the ASCIIco des from 1 to 255. Th e list shows the ASCIIc haracters

and names, and the corresponding decimal, hexad ecimal,a nd binary values.

Char Name Decimal Hex Binary
None NUL 0 00 0000 0000
^A SCH 1 01 00000001
^B STX 2 02 0000 0010
^C ETX 3 03 0000 0011
^D EOT 4 04 0000 0100
^E ENQ 5 05 0000 0101
^F ACK 6 06 00000110
^G BEL 7 07 0000 0111
^H BS 8 08 0000 1000
^I HT 9 09 0000 1001
^J LF 10 0A 00001010
^K VT 11 0B 00001011
^L FF 12 0C 00001100
^M CR 13 0D 00001101
^N SO 14 0E 0000 1110
^O SI 15 OF 00001111
^P DLE 16 10 0001 0000
^Q DC1 17 11 0001 0001
^R DC2 18 12 0001 0010
^S DC3 19 13 0001 0011
^T DC4 20 14 0001 0100
^U NAK 21 15 0001 0101
^V SYN 22 16 00010110
^W ETB 23 17 00010111
^X CAN 24 18 0001 1000
^Y EM 25 19 00011001
^Z SUB 26 1A 00011010