Command Reference
GS T Select Line Wrap/Truncate Modes
Determines how to handle a text wrap condition. A text wrap condition occurs when text extends beyond the end of a line or a page. The default is to wrap at the end of a line and a page.
ASCII | GS T n |
Decimal | 29 84 n |
Hex | 1D 54 n |
n = 0 | truncate in both directions |
n = 1 | wrap at end of line, but not end of page |
n = 2 | wrap at end of page, but not end of line |
n = 3 | wrap at end of line and end of page |
GS t Set Characters per Line in Landscape
Creates an internal memory buffer to store landscape text and barcodes until a form feed is received. The size of the buffer is determined by n, the number of characters per line. The n parameter is converted internally to millimeters so new line lengths can be automatically calculated in the event a font change takes place. The conversion to millimeters is done by multiplying the value of n by the width of whatever font is currently set when the GS t command is sent.
This command may be used in conjunction with the GS T command to determine where, if at all, text wraps to the next line.
This command is similar to the GS u command.
See Also
GS u
ASCII | GS t n |
Decimal | 29 116 n |
Hex | 1D 74 n |
n the desired number of characters per line in landscape mode