Next Page Button
1.When the LCD display is in “Normal Mode”, repeated pressing of this button will sequence down through the input/output/battery parameters and readings.
2.When the UPS is displaying “OFF” or “BPS”, depressing the “Next Page” and “Function” buttons at the same time will place the UPS into “Programming Mode”. Refer to the “How to Change the Programmed Settings” section of this manual for more details.
3.When in “Programming Mode”, repeated pressing of this button will sequentially select the various programmable parameters. Refer to page 27, “How to Change the Programmed Settings” section of this manual for more details.
Confirm Button
1.When in “Programming Mode” and prompted on the LCD display to SAVE settings, pressing this button will save all changed parameters.
5.3 LED Display Modes
Utility (AC Source 1) UPS Input Power Present LED (Green)
Bypass (AC Source 2) Bypass Input Power Present LED
N+1 Mode Enabled (Green) - Indicates multiple UPS units are connected in parallel and have been properly configured and programmed for Parallel N+1 mode operation.
Economy/Green Mode Enabled (Yellow)
Alarm Condition Present (Red)