Weight 2.2lb. (1.0 kg)
Safety OVERVOLTAGE(Installation) CATEGORY II, Pollution Degree 2 per
Accuracyspecifications apply within the recommended operating temperature range. Accuracy limits are
increasedby a factor of the temperature coefficient outside this range.
Short-termaccuracy includes nonlinearity and noise uncertainties. It does not include drift or calibration
Thetemperature range may be limited by the sensor.
Temperatureaccuracy is for the 1502A only. It does not include probe uncertainty or probe characteriza-
tionerrors .
3.2 Environmental ConditionsAlthough the instrumenthas been designed for optimum durability and trou-
ble-freeoperation, it must be handled with care. The instrument should not be
operated inan excessively dusty or dirty environment. Maintenance and clean-
ing recommendationscan be found in the Maintenance Section of this manual.
The instrument operates safely under thefollowing conditions:
•Ambient temperature range: Absolute 0–55°C (32–131°F); [full accuracy
16–30°C (61–86°F)]
•Ambient relative humidity: maximum 80% for temperature < 31°C, de-
creasing linearly to 50% at 40°C
•Pressure: 75kPa–106kPa
•Mains voltage within ±10% of nominal
•Vibrations should be minimized
•Altitude less than 2,000 meters
•Indoor use only
1502A Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide