The m’srepresent digits of the model number. The v’s represent the digits of
the firmwareversion number. As an example, if the version number was 1.10
theresponse would be “ver.1502A,1.10".
The followingIEEE-488.2 and SCPI compatible command can be used to read
the manufacturer,model number, serial number, and firmware version number.
*IDN?<EOS> returns identification data for the instrument
The syntax of the response isas follows:
HART,1502A,<serial number>,v.vv
The v’srepresent the digits of the firmware version number. As an example, if
the serialnumber was 6A1202 and the version number was 1.10 the response
wouldbe “HART,1502A,6A1202,1.10". Reading a List of Commands
The followingcommand returns a list of commands:
HELP<EOS> returns a listof commands
7 Digital Communications Interface
Remote Commands