4 Quick Start
This section briefly explainsthe basics of setting up and operating your 1502A
thermometerr eadout.

4.1 Unpacking

Unpack the thermometer carefully and inspectit for any damage that may have
occurred during shipment.If there is shipping damage, notify the carrier
Verifythat the following components are present:
1502A Thermometer
Extra Probe Connector
Power Cord
User’s Guide
Probe (optional—must be purchased separately)

4.2 Power

Your1502A is configured for either 115 VAC(±10%) operation or 230 VAC
(±10%) operation.Be careful to only connect the 1502A to a mains supply of
the correctvoltage. Otherwise, the instrument may be damaged. The required
voltageis indicated on the back of the 1502A. Power requirements are listed in
Section 3.1, Specifications.The IEC type power cord connects to the back of
the1502A. The cord must be plugged in to a grounded outlet.The power
switchis located at the back of the 1502A.
When the 1502A is powered on, waitbriefly while it initializes. It will then be-
gin measuringand displaying temperature.
Because of the quality of the components used in the 1502A, it exhibitsnearly
negligible drift as it warmsu p. The warm-up drift is typically less than 5 ppm.
Nevertheless,to ensure the best accuracy and stability, you may want to allow
the 1502A towarm up for ten minutes before use.
Accurate measurementrequires that the probe be connected properly to the in-
put and the correct probe characterization set.

4.3 Connecting the Probe

The RTDor SPRT probe connects to the back of the 1502A using a five-pin
DIN plug. Figure1 showshow a four-wire probe is wired to the five-pin DIN
connector.One pair of wires attaches to pins 1 and 2 and the other pair attaches
4 Quick Start