Fluke T100/120/140
Safety Measures
Safety Measures
The instruments FLUKE T100/T120/T140 have been constructed and verified in compliance with the safety measures for voltage testers and have left the factory in safe and perfect condition.
In order to avoid electrical shock, the valid safety and VDE regulations regarding ex- cessive contact voltages must receive ut- most attention, when working with volta- ges exceeding 75V (60V) DC or 50V (25V)rms AC. The values in brackets are valid for spezial ranges (for example medi- cine and agriculture).
The detector shall not be used, if the bat- tery box is open.
Prior to each test, ensure the proper con- dition of the measuring line and the mea- suring instrument, e.g. broken cables or leaking batteries.
Prior to measurement ensure that the test leads and the test instrument are in per- fect condition.
When using this instrument only the hand- les of the probes may be touched .
This instrument may only be used within the ranges specified (see 6.0 Technical Data) and within voltage systems up to 690V
The measuring instrument may be used only in the measuring circuit category it has been de- signed for!
Instrument's faultless functionality must be veri- fied prior to every use.
2)Test the voltage tester on a known voltage source.
Prior to usage ensure perfect instrument function (e.g. on known voltage source).
The voltage testers may no longer be used if one or several functions fail or if no functionalityis indicated.