Configuring the modem interface
•In redundant mode, the modem interface automatically takes over from a selected ethernet interface when that ethernet interface is unavailable.
•In standalone mode, the modem interface is the connection from the FortiGate unit to the Internet.
When connecting to an ISP in either configuration, the modem can automatically dial up to three dialup accounts until the modem connects to an ISP.
This chapter describes:
•Selecting a modem mode
•Configuring modem settings
•Connecting and disconnecting the modem in Standalone mode
•Defining a Ping Server
•Adding firewall policies for modem connections
Selecting a modem mode
The external modem, when connected to the
•redundant mode
•standalone mode.
Redundant mode configuration
The redundant modem interface in redundant mode backs up a selected ethernet interface. If that ethernet interface disconnects from its network, the modem automatically dials the configured dialup account(s). When the modem connects to a dialup account, the FortiGate unit routes IP packets normally destined for the selected ethernet interface to the modem interface. During this time, the unit pings the ethernet connection to check when it is back online.
When the ethernet interface can connect to its network again, the FortiGate unit disconnects the modem interface and switches back to the ethernet interface.
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