56F8322 Techncial Data, Rev. 10.0
124 Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 10-20 ADC Absolute Error Over Processing and Temperature Extremes Before
and After Calibration for VDCin = 0.60V and 2.70V
Note: The absolute error data shown in the graphs above reflects the effects of both gain error and offset
error. The data was taken on 15 parts: three each from four processing corner lots as well as three from one
nominally processed lot, each a t three temperatures: -40°C, 27°C, and 150°C (giving the 45 data points
shown above) , for two input DC voltages: 0.60V and 2.70V. The data indicates that for the given
population of parts, calibration significantly reduced (by as much as 34%) the collective variation (spread)
of the absolute error of the population. It also significantly reduced (by as much as 80% when VDCin was
0.6V) the mean (average) of the absolute error and thereby brought it significantly closer to the ideal value
of zero. Although not guaranteed, it is believed that calibration will produce results similar to those shown
above for any population of parts, including those which represent processing and temperature extremes.