DSP56366 Bootstrap Program
DSP56366 24-Bit Digital Signal Processor User Manual, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor A-7
; E - i8051 - Dual strobes multiplexed bus with negative strobe pulses
; dual negative request.
; F - MC68302 - Single strobe non-multiplexed bus with negative strobe
; pulse single negative request.
movep #%0000000000111000,x:M_HPCR
; Configure the following conditions:
; HAP = 0 Negative host acknowledge
; HRP = 0 Negative host request
; HCSP = 0 Negatice chip select input
; HDDS = 0 Single strobe bus (R/W~ and DS)
; HMUX = 0 Non multiplexed bus
; HASP = 0 (address strobe polarity has no
; meaning in non-multiplexed bus)
; HDSP = 0 Negative data stobes polarity
; HROD = 0 Host request is active when enabled
; spare = 0 This bit should be set to 0 for
; future compatability
; HEN = 0 When the HPCR register is modified
; HEN should be cleared
; HAEN = 1 Host acknowledge is enabled
; HREN = 1 Host requests are enabled
; HCSEN = 1 Host chip select input enabled
; HA9EN = 0 (address 9 enable bit has no
; meaning in non-multiplexed bus)
; HA8EN = 0 (address 8 enable bit has no
; meaning in non-multiplexed bus)
; HGEN = 0 Host GPIO pins are disabled
bra <HDI08CONT
jset #MA,omr,HC11HOSTLD ; If MD:MC:MB:MA=1101, go load from HC11 Host
; If MD:MC:MB:MA=1100, go load from ISA HOST
movep #%0101000000011000,x:M_HPCR
; Configure the following conditions:
; HAP = 0 Negative host acknowledge
; HRP = 1 Positive host request
; HCSP = 0 Negatice chip select input
; HDDS = 1 Dual strobes bus (RD and WR)
; HMUX = 0 Non multiplexed bus
; HASP = 0 (address strobe polarity has no
; meaning in non-multiplexed bus)
; HDSP = 0 Negative data stobes polarity
; HROD = 0 Host request is active when enabled
; spare = 0 This bit should be set to 0 for