Cleaning the CCD
BCheck whether the dust has been removed from the
CCD surface.
- The blower has removed the dust (There are no oily
marks or fingerprints).
RTurn the camera off and mount the lens or body
cap on the camera.
- There are oily marks or fingerprints left on the CCD that
cannot be removed with the blower.
RProceed to stepC.
When you turn the camera off, the mirror drops down
and the shutter closes at the same time. Ensure that
your fingers are not caught inside the camera.
ZEnsure that you have the cleaning equipment
Cleaning swabs
Sensor Swab (Photographic Solutions, Inc.)
*For information on suppliers outside Japan, visit
the web site listed below
Cleaning fluid
Anhydrous ethanol
CMoisten the bottom 5 mm (0.2 in) of the Sensor swab
evenly with cleaning fluid.
Do not use the swab when it is dry or not moistened
with cleaning fluid.
DSlowly and gently wipe using only one side of the
sensor swab just once across the full width of the CCD
from left to right.