Taking Pictures at Default Settings
Holding the camera correctly
Hold the handgrip in your right hand and cradle the
camera body or lens with your left.
Brace your elbows against your sides and hold the
camera with both hands.
Moving the camera while shooting gives a blurred
picture (camera shake). Hold the camera steadily with
both hands.
If the lens, flash or AF-assist illuminator is obscured by
your fingers or the strap, subjects may be out of focus
or the brightness (exposure) of your shot may be
3Focus on the main subject in the center

focus bracket and press the shutter button

down halfway.

The shutter button has a halfway point at which focus
and exposure are automatically optimized before taking
the picture by pressing fully down.
When pressing the shutter button halfway, a lens
operation sound may be heard.
In-focus indicator Description
l (Lights Steadily) The subject is in focus.
l (Blinks) The camera is unable to focus using
Focus brackets In-focus