Adobe RGB (1998)
A color space introduced as the working color space for Adobe Photoshop 5.0. AdobeRGB encompasses almost all the colors
reproduced by CMYK printers and is intended primarily for printing applications. It was introduced as "SMPTE-240E" in the
RGB settings in Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and as "Adobe RGB (1998)" in the profile settings from version 6.0 onwards.
Color space
Refers to the range of colors, expressed as two-dimensional or three-dimensional numerical values, that can be reproduced
by devices such as cameras, monitors and printers. The sRGB and AdobeRGB color spaces are each shown as an xy color
chart (a coordinate color space in which colors are represented in two dimensions with no brightness value). The range of
colors that can be expressed by a particular color space is indicated by a triangle imposed on the xy color chart. Colors become
brighter as they approach the outer edge of the xy color chart. This color representation method is capable of showing all the
actual colors.
Exif Print Format is a newly revised digital camera file format that contains a variety of shooting information for optimal printing.