-When "Method 1: Setting method of new style" and "Method 2: Setting method of old style" are specified at the same time, the driver
gives priority to the "Method 1: Setting method of new style". And when "How to set a parameter to all instances" and "How to set a
parameter to each instance" are specified at the same time, the driver gives priority to the "How to set a parameter to each instance".
-When a Gigabit Ethernet card is removed, please remove the setting parameters of the applicable adapter defined in the fjgi.conf file.
If an adapter is removed and the setting parameters are left in the fjgi.conf file, a panic may occur at system boot, causing boot failure.
-Because the parameters are set in the fjgi.conf file per physical interface, when a VLAN interface is used, individual interfaces used
by the VLAN interface must be similarly configured.
-The operation mode setup in the fjgi.conf file after system boot may not become effective after installation with DR (Dynamic
Reconfiguration) or PCI Hot Plug functions. Check the operation mode with the ndd(1M) command or dladm(1M) command (Solaris
11 only). If the operation mode is not correct, reboot the system and the desired operation mode will become effective.
3.5.2 JumboFrame SetupBy using a JumboFrame the TCP/IP MTU can be expanded from 1500 to 9000. By expanding the single packet transmission size, the
number of packets processed can be reduced, and lowering the CPU load is possible.
JumboFrame can be enabled using either of the following three procedures.
- Method 1: Specify in /etc/system and /etc/hostname.fjgi*
When MTU settings must be individually set for each interface, or when the application uses /etc/hostname.fjgi*, please use this method.
1. Add the following line to the /etc/system file.
set fjgi:fjgi_jumbo=1
2. The MTU of TCP/IP is set by defining an MTU size between 1500 and 9000 in /etc/hostname.fjgi* (*1) in the following format
and then rebooting the system. When no MTU value is specified in this file, the default value is set (9000bytes).
*1: The asterisk (*) expresses an instance number. When IPv6 interface is used, assign an IP address or hostname and an MTU
size to the fjgi interface by editing the /etc/hostname6.fjgi* file.
Setting format
hostname mtu MTU
Example of setting (when setting MTU of fjgi0 to 8000):
# cat/etc/hostname.fjgi0
myhost mtu 8000
3. Reboot the system.
- Method 2: Specify in fjgi.conf File
When MTU settings must be individually set for each interface, or when the application does not use /etc/hostname.fjgi* (example:
PRIMECLUSTER CF (Cluster Foundation) or CIP (Cluster Interconnect Protocol) function), please use this method.
Refer to the "3.5.1 Setting the fjgi.conf File" for the setting procedures of JumboFrame.
-Setting method of new style (Recommended)
1. Add the fjgi* parameter to the fjgi.conf file. The parameter value needs to be set by a character string like fjgi0=":::8000::::::".
Example of file description (The MTU parameter for fjgi0 is set to 8000):
- 26 -