-To create a VLAN Interface of VID=231 for fjgi3 (this vanity name is net5), the following is used.
Refer to "3.3 Environment Setting", and perform the procedure described. Use net231005 as the driver name.
dladm create-vlan -l ether-link -v vid
# dladm create-vlan -l net5 -v 231
-VLAN interfaces are displayed by the following command.
dladm show-link
dladm show-vlan
# dladm show-link
net2 phys 1500 up --
net2002 vlan 1500 up net2
net3 phys 1500 up --
net4 phys 1500 up --
net5 phys 1500 up --
net231005 vlan 1500 up net5
# dladm show-vlan
net2002 2 net2 -----
net231005 231 net5 -----
In the above example, the VLAN interfaces are displayed as net2002 (VID=2) and net231005 (VID=231). Please refer to "3.2
Identification of Interface Name" for details about the relationship of "fjgi*" to "net*" (where * represents an instance number).
-To delete VLAN interfaces, the following is used.
It is necessary to inactivate a corresponding interface with the ifconfig(1M) command before executing the following command.
dladm delete-vlan vlan-link
# dladm delete-vlan net2002
# dladm delete-vlan net231005
-When connecting VLAN interfaces to a LAN switch, the switch must support Tag VLAN.
On the switch, set VLAN tagging and VLAN ports appropriately based on the VLANs setup on the server.
-Use the VLAN interface only with the TCP/IP.
-In a PRIMECLUSTER environment, when using a VLAN interface, check that the "SMAWdtcp" package has not been installed. If
"SMAWdtcp" is installed, remove the package before setting up the VLAN interface or do not use the VLAN interface.
-A VLAN interface uses approximately 700Kb of memory when MTU is 1500, or 900Kb of memory when MTU is 9000 in an idle
state. Therefore, when using two or more VLAN interfaces, a system slowdown may occur due to a shortage of resources, depending
on system configuration. When using VLAN functionality, provide sufficient memory resources to ensure optimal system
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