MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations

TABLE 1.144 [Schedule Control] Window Buttons

When the [Apply] button is clicked, the schedule operation information for the system is set.
When the [Cancel] button is clicked, the browser returns to the original status without setting the
schedule operation information for the system.
(1) Menu Operation
[System] [Schedule] [Schedule Control]
(2) Window Operations
1. Specifies whether schedule operation has to be carried out by Radio button for system.
2. Click the [Apply] button.
[Schedule list] Window
Up to 1000 instances of system power On / Off schedule can be recorded in the [Schedule list] Window.

FIGURE 1.105 [Schedule List] Window

Schedule will appear in chronological order of the start date of the period.
If the start date are the same, the schedule appears in the sequence in which it is listed.
If the Type is Weekly, the start date is considered to be “Oneday”.