MMB CLI (Command Line Interface) Operations
Unable to register the specified Partition#%s as Mirror Mode enable because of abnormal SB composition.
Unable to register the specified Partition#%s as Mirror Mode enable because of abnormal VRM
Unable to execute this command on a standby MMB.
Failed to execute %s command.
Failed to execute set partition command.
Unable to change the mode while the partition is running.
Please try to change the mode after the partition is shutdown.
Unable to execute this command because you have not authority to operate this partition.
2.2.29 set partition name
I It sets the name of the specified partition.
The name of the partition is up to 16 characters. The name that contains the characters exceeding the 16
characters cannot be set.
If the name contains space, it is enclosed within “”.
The characters that can be used are as follows.
[a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], “-“, (Under bar), “_” (hyphen), “#” (Sharp), “” (Blank)
No default value is set.
Privilege: Administrator
(1) Input format
set partition name <partition#> <partition name>
(2) Option
(3) Usage example
Example: When setting the name “hogehoge” to the Partition3
# set partition name 3 hogehoge
(4) Message
The following table lists the messages which are displayed in this CLI.
For details of the messages, see the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Message Reference (C122-E178EN).
The specified partition number is invalid.
The specified partition name is invalid.
Partition#x is not defined.
Unable to execute this command on a standby MMB.
The specified parameter is invalid.
Unable to execute this command because the system is under maintenance.
Unable to execute this command because the Partition#x is under maintenance.
Succeed to set partition name command.
Failed to execute set partition name command.
Failed to execute %s command.
The specified command is not supported.(error=[%s])