UEFI Menu Operations
Slot 124 OpROM Enables/disables Legacy OpROM of the PCI card
which is mounted.
By default, it is Disabled.
Setting for PCI Express
slot #11 of PCI_Box#3
Commit Changes and
The contents having changes in the settings are
saved and exit from this menu.
Discard Changes and
The contents having changes in the settings are
cancelled and exit from this menu.
(3) Operation help display
The help for the operations mentioned on this page is shown in “TABLE 3.28 Display contents of operation
help display”.

TABLE 3.28 Display contents of operation help display

 =Move Highlight
Moves the cursor up and down.
<Enter>=Select Entry
Selects the items.
Esc=Exit Returns to “3.1 Front page of Boot Manager” without saving the
setting changes of this menu.
3.4.9 [iSCSI Configuration] menu
In [iSCSI Configuration] menu, as for the IOU network port and expansion card network port which were set
in UEFI(PXE/iSCSI) of [LAN Remote Boot Configuration] menu, the environment of iSCSI boot of UEFI
Aware Operating System can be set.
The iSCSI boot capable network port is displayed in the menu. The network port which boots the iSCSI is
selected and with various settings, iSCSI can be booted from the intended device.
The settings which are changed in the menu will become valid after system reset.
The display example of [iSCSI Configuration] menu is as follows.