42 SPARC Enterprise T5140 and T5240 Servers Installation Guide • February 2008
9. When prompted, follow the onscreen instructions for configuring the Solaris
Operating System on your host and enter the following configuration
Youwill be prompted to confirm the configuration several times, enabling
confirmation and changes. If you are not sure how to respondto a particular
value, you can accept the default, and make future changes when the Solaris OS
is running.
Parameter Description
Language Select a number from the displayed language list.
Locale Select a number fromthe displayed locale list.
TerminalType Select a terminal type that corresponds with your terminal device.
Network? Select Yes.
Multiple Network
Selectthe network interfaces that you plan to configure. If you are not sure, select
the firstone in the list.
DHCP? Select Yesor No according to your network environment.
Host Name Enter the host name for the server.
IP Address Enter the IP address for this Ethernet interface.
Subnet? Select Yesor No according to your network environment.
Subnet Netmask (If subnet was Yes)Enter the netmask for the subnet for your network
IPv6? Specify whether or not to use IPv6. If you arenot sure, select No to configure the
Ethernet interface for IPv4.
Security Policy Select either standardUNIX security (No) or Kerberos Security (Yes). If you are
not sure,select No.
Confirm Reviewthe onscreen information and change it if needed. Otherwise, continue.
Name Service Select the name service according to your network environment.
Note–If you select a name service other than None, you will be prompted for
additional name service configurationinformation.
NFSv4 Domain Name Select the type of domain name configurationaccording to your environment. If
you arenot sure,select Use the NFSv4 domain derived by the system.
TimeZone (Continent) Selectyour continent.
TimeZone (Country or
Select your country or region.