Tower Servers Accessories Data Sheets: http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com/primergy
Category Description Details
End User Price (£)
Accessories & services matrix
PRIMERGY-Software (Continued)
VMware VI-EE w/1yr SNS DistributionOnly Virtual Infrastructure 3 Enterprise OEM License for 2 sockets;
additive licenses with 1 year SNS Support and Subscription.,
Distributors must bundle the license with a certified PRIMERGY
server and must ensure that the license is only sold together
with the PRIMERGY server.
x x x x S26361-F2341-L335 3249
VMware VI-EE w/3yr SNS DistributionOnly Virtual Infrastructure 3 Enterprise OEM License for 2 sockets;
additive licenses with 3 year SNS Support and Subscription.,
Distributors must bundle the license with a certified PRIMERGY
server and must ensure that the license is only sold together
with the PRIMERGY server.
x x x x S26361-F2341-L336 4412
VMware RN SNS 1yr for VDI-STD-100 Renewal SNS Support and Subscription from FSC for VDI-STD
100 OEM x x x x S26361-F2341-L364 2282
VMware RN SNS 1yr for VDI-ENT-100 Renewal SNS Support and Subscription from FSC for VDI-ENT
100 OEM x x x x S26361-F2341-L365 3586
RemoteView Service Board S2 LP 3HU incl. cables and RV SW; for PRIMERGY RX300 S2, TX200 S2,
TX300 S2, TX150 S3, TX150 S4, RX/TX600 S2, RX220,
RX/TX600 S3
x x x x x x S26361-F2425-L103 336
PRIMERGY MultiPath Linux\WinServ GB 3.x Support of redundant Multipath between PRIMERGY and Disk
Storage, for W2K, Windows2003 and LINUX, Full product,
licence for 1 Server
xxxxxxxxxU15000-C197 593
PRIMERGY MultiPath MPIO WinServ GB 4.x MultiPath based on Microsoft MPIO supporting multiple paths
between server and subsystem; for Windows Server 2003 x x x x x x U15000-C278 593
PRIMERGY DuplexDataManager GB 3.x Advanced Edition, Software under W2K, Windows2003 and
Linux, for disaster-tolerant PRIMERGY , configuration, includes
MultiPath (1 License per Server)
xxxxxxxxxU15000-C196 1862
PRIMERGY ServerStart Bundle subscription Subscription for 1 year, ca. 10 releases, The subscription is
licensed only for PRIMERGY servers. x xxxxxxxx U15000-C176 146
RSB LP external power supply incl. power cord (with Euro socket connector- and Euro plug) x x x x x x x x S26361-F2425-L305 27
RSB S2 LP ext Power Supply Rack Carrier Rack carrier for the external power supply of the RSB S2 LPs x x x x x x x S26361-F2425-L306 14
RemoteDeploy 3.x Single license Single license for operation of one client server (managed
node) under RD 3.x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU15000-C262 94
Single Upgrade license from License for upgrading from RD2.0 up to RD3.0. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx U15000-C265 16
RemoteDeploy V4.0 Software CD Full version with license key for SW usage - no license. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU15000-C286 20
RemoteDeploy 4.x Single License Single license for operation of one client server (managed
node) under RD 4.x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU15000-C287 95
RemoteDeploy 4.0 Single Upgrade License for upgrades of one 3.x single license to version 4.0 - no
software! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU15000-C288 41
Altiris Server Deployment Solution 6 Single license for operation of one client server (to be ordered
for each system) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU15000-C251 122
Altiris Server Deployment AUP Annual upgrade protection for Deployment Solution (to be
ordered for each system) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU15000-C255 19
Altiris Premium Support Pack 1 year support package for Altiris xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xU15000-C259 9412
Altiris 5 Incidents Support 5 support incidents for Altiris xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU15000-C260 1272
Altiris Server Management Suite - Level1 Single license for operation of one client server (to be ordered
for each system) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU15000-C267 162
Altiris Server Management Suite - L1 AUP Annual upgrade protection for Mangement Suite (to be ordered
for each system) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU15000-C271 22
MS Device CAL for Win Server 2003, GB Microsoft Device Access License Pack for Windows Server
2003 products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit
and 64bit (1 Device CAL Version) GB
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L610 16
MS 1 Device CAL for Win Server 2003, D Microsoft Device Access License Pack for Windows Server
2003 products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit
and 64bit (1 Device CAL Version) D
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L611 16
MS 1 Device CAL for Win Server 2003, F Microsoft Device Access License Pack for Windows Server
2003 products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit
and 64bit (1 Device CAL Version) F
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L613 16
MS 5 Device CAL for Win Server 2003, GB Microsoft Device Access License Pack for Windows Server
2003 products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit
and 64bit (5 Device CAL Version) GB
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L650 72Price change
MS 5 Device CAL for Win Server 2003, D Microsoft Device Access License Pack for Windows Server
2003 products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit
and 64bit (5 Device CAL Version) D
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L651 72Price change
MS 5 Device CAL for Win Server 2003, I Microsoft Device Access License Pack for Windows Server
2003 products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit
and 64bit (5 Device CAL Version) I
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L652 72Price change
MS 5 Device CAL for Win Server 2003, F Microsoft Device Access License Pack for Windows Server
2003 products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit
and 64bit (5 Device CAL Version) F
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L653 72Price change
MS 5 Device CAL for Win Server 2003, E Microsoft Device Access License Pack for Windows Server
2003 products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit
and 64bit (5 Device CAL Version) E
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L654 72Price change
SUSE Linux ES 1-CPU +1Y SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for all platforms 1-Server with 1-
CPU sockets 1-Year subscription (renewal) x S26361-F2346-L181 99
MS 1 User CAL for Win Server 2003, GB Microsoft User Client License Pack for Windows Server 2003
products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit and
64bit (1 User CAL Version) GB
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L620 16
MS 1 User CAL for Win Server 2003, D Microsoft User Client License Pack for Windows Server 2003
products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit and
64bit (1 User CAL Version) D
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L621 16
MS 1 User CAL for Win Server 2003, I Microsoft User Client License Pack for Windows Server 2003
products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit and
64bit (1 User CAL Version) I
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L622 16
MS 1 User CAL for Win Server 2003, F Microsoft User Client License Pack for Windows Server 2003
products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit and
64bit (1 User CAL Version) F
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L623 16
MS 5 User CAL for Win Server 2003, GB Microsoft User Client License Pack for Windows Server 2003
products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit and
64bit (5 User CAL Version) GB
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L660 72Price change
MS 5 User CAL for Win Server 2003, D Microsoft User Client License Pack for Windows Server 2003
products, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Edition, 32bit and
64bit (5 User CAL Version) D
x xxxx xx xxxx xS26361-F2565-L661 72Price change
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Price book November 7th 2007