FibreCAT TX10 PacketLoader Data Sheets:

Model Description Details
End User Price (£)
Base unit configurations
FibreCAT TX10 PacketLoader
FibreCAT TX10, VAX320, rem. Mgmt., CE VXA-320 Packetloader with remote management , VXA-320-drive
with a backup-performance of 43,2/86,4 GByte/h (native/ compr.), -
Robotic incl. barcode-reader, -10 cartridge slots with 1,6/3,2 Tbyte
capacity (native/ compr.), -power line, SCSI-terminator, -Cleaning
D:FCTX10-V3 1370Phased out
FibreCAT TX10, VXA320, CE VXA-320-drive with a backup-performance of 43,2/86,4 GByte/h
(native/ compr.), -Robotic incl. barcode-reader, -10 cartridge slots
with 1,6/3,2 Tbyte capacity (native/ compr.), -power line, SCSI-
terminator, -Cleaning Cassette
D:FCTX10-V3B 1313Phased out
FibreCAT TX10, VXA320, rem. Mgmt., EE VXA-320 Packetloader with remote management , VXA-320-drive
with a backup-performance of 43,2/86,4 GByte/h (native/ compr.), -
Robotic incl. barcode-reader, -10 cartridge slots with 1,6/3,2 Tbyte
capacity (native/ compr.), -Rack Mount Kit (1 U), -power line, SCSI-
terminator, -data cartridge (160 GByte native), , -cleaning cartridge,
D:VXA3-110-1U 2342
FibreCAT TX10, VXA320, EE VXA-320-drive with a backup-performance of 43,2/86,4 GByte/h
(native/ compr.), -Robotic incl. barcode-reader, -10 cartridge slots
with 1,6/3,2 Tbyte capacity (native/ compr.), -Rack Mount Kit (1 U), -
power line, SCSI-terminator, -data cartridge (160 GByte native), , -
cleaning cartridge, barcode-label
D:VXA3-110B-1U 2245

FibreCAT TX10 PacketLoader - Next generation Tape Automation with VXA-320 technology

TheFibreCAT TX10 PacketLoader is the perfect solution for providing low-cost automated backup for small and midsized businesses or remote

officeswith limited IT staff. And it’s fast: the FibreCATTX10 provides 4 times the speed and capacity of a DAT-72 and DDS-5 tape! Thanks to its

tapes long lifetime – they can be re-used at least 500 times - the FibreCAT TX10 PacketLoader has the lowest lifetime cost per Gigabyte.

Fujitsu Siemens Computers Price book November 7th 2007