Options SAN Components Data Sheets: http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com/storage
Category Description Details
FC-Switch 200E
FC-Switch 4900
FC-Switch 5000
End User Price (£)
Options matrix
FC/IP-Infrastructure (Continued)
FC-Switch 200E SUS Back Level Supp Y1-5 FC-Switch 200E Back Level Support for
authorized FSC service partners, year 1-5
software update/3rd level support, interval
starts with shipment
x D:SUP-BR16P200EL-5 315
FC-Switch 4900 SUS Back Level Supp Y1-5 FC-Switch 4900 Back Level Support for
authorized FSC service partners, year 1-5
software update/3rd level support, interval
starts with shipment
x D:SUP-BR64P4932L-5 3706
SFP Multi Mode Fibre, 4 GB/s, 150 m SFP Multi Mode Fibre, 4 GB/s, 150 m x x x D:FCSFP-MM4G 139
Trunking (5000/4100) Trunking for Brocade 5000 and 4100 Switch,
incl 1 year right to use software updates x D:FCSW-32P-TR 1636
Power Pack (200E) Power Pack for Brocade 200E Switch includes:
Fabric Watch, Performance Monitoring,
Trunking, incl 1 year right to use software
x D:FCSW-SW2100-PP 2122
Trunking (4900) Trunking for Brocade 4900 Switch, incl 1 year
right to use software updates x D:FCSW-SW4900-TR 4217
SFP Single Mode Fibre, 4 GB/s, 4 km SFP Single Mode Fibre, 4 GB/s, 4 km x x x D:FCSFP-SM4G-04 357
Power Pack (5000/4100) Power Pack for Brocade 5000 and 4100
Switch includes:, Extended Fabrics, Fabric
Watch, Performance Monitoring, Trunking. incl
1 year right to use software updates
x D:FCSW-32P-PP 5552
Full Fabric (200E) Full Fabric for Brocade 200E Switch, incl 1
year right to use software updates x D:FCSW-SW2100-FF16 797
Power Pack (4900) Power Pack for Brocade 4900 Switch includes:
Extended Fabrics, Fabric Watch, Performance
Monitoring, Trunking, incl 1 year right to use
software updates
x D:FCSW-SW4900-PP 8105
SFP Single Mode Fibre, 4 GB/s, 10 km SFP Single Mode Fibre, 4 GB/s, 10 km x x x D:FCSFP-SM4G-10 652
Secure Fabric OS (5000/4100/3900) Secure Fabric OS for Brocade 5000, 4100 and
3900 Switch, incl 1 year right to use software
x D:FCSW-32P-SO 4175
Extended Fabrics (200E/3250/3850) Extended Fabrics for Brocade 200E, 3250,
3850 Switch, incl 1 year right to use software
x D:FCSW-SW2100-EF 1776
Secure Fabric OS (4900) Secure Fabric OS for Brocade 4900 Switch,
incl 1 year right to use software updates x D:FCSW-SW4900-SO 5846
SFP Single Mode Fibre, 4 GB/s, 30 km SFP Single Mode Fibre, 4 GB/s, 30 km x x x D:FCSFP-SM4G-30 1206
Fabric Manager Basic 4 domains Fabric Manager 5.X - Base License - 1 Server
up to 4 Domains, incl 1 year right to use
software updates
x x x D:FCSW-FM5-B 6566
SecFOS 5000/4100 SUS Back Level Sup Y1-3 Secure Fabric OS (5000/4100) Back Level
Supp for authorized FSC service partners, year
1-3 software update/3rd level support, interval
starts with shipment
x D:SUP-32P-SO-3 741
SecFOS 4900 SUS Back Level Supp Y1-3 Secure Fabric OS (4900) Back Level Support
for authorized FSC service partners, year 1-3
software update/3rd level support, interval
starts with shipment
x D:SUP-BRSWSO4900-3 2098
Fabric Manager Standard 10 domains Fabric Manager 5.X - Standard License - 1
Server up to 10 Domains, incl 1 year right to
use software updates
x x x D:FCSW-FM5-S 13140
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Price book November 7th 2007