Professional Products Positioning
Pocket LOOX
Fujitsu Siemens Computers recommends Windows
Vista™ Business.
Faster, lighter, easier: notebooks designed and built by Fujitsu
Siemens Computers. Latest technologies and processors, brilliant
graphics, high performance and manageability combined with
security features make your professional notebook perfect for life
on the move.
Computing power, memory space, graphics systems, expansion
possibilities – even the most powerful of standard PCs are quick
to reach their limits outside classic office and communication
applications. Application fields such as simulation, animation,
construction,and digital contentcreation require systems that offe
maximum performance on all levels: CELSIUS workstations.
s the mobile revolution gains momentum, Fujitsu Siemens
Computers offers its high-end handheld, the Pocket LOOX, a
powerfulenabler of mobility for businessusers. Key features of the
Pocket LOOX are its high connectivity, speed and modularity,
whichallow busy mobile warriors to work seamlessly whether they
are at home, in the office or on the move.
The FUTRO product line of smart, expandable thin clients is the
ideal solution for server-based networks, particularly in terms o
availability and data security. The user can neither access the
operating system nor store data on the smart terminal.
The STYLISTIC Series from Fujitsu Siemens Computers
combinesthe simple useof pencil and paper with the performance
and ergonomics of a notebook.
With the STYLISTIC tablet PC you are able to use a full-featured
computer, runnig all standard Windows XP applications, while
standing and walking.
ESPRIMO professional PC is the right solution for every business
customer requiring a high quality system with best-in-class feature
set. They are highly reliable and truly ergonomic with
comprehensive client management tools and easy to use security
functionalities. The new global brand product concept and the
latest technology make ESPRIMO professional PC to a perfect
partner fitting in every business environment.
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Price book October 7th 2007