Category Description Details
FibreCAT CX ATA ExpansionShelf
FibreCAT CX ExpansionShelf
FibreCAT CX3 ExpansionShelf
FibreCAT CX3 Projects
FibreCAT CX300
FibreCAT CX300 Projects
FibreCAT CX3-10C
FibreCAT CX3-20
FibreCAT CX3-20C
FibreCAT CX3-40
FibreCAT CX3-40C
FibreCAT CX3-80
FibreCAT NX20
FibreCAT NX40
FibreCAT S80 Extension
FibreCAT SX30
FibreCAT SX40
FibreCAT SX60
FibreCAT SX60 Expansion
FibreCAT SX80
FibreCAT SX80 Expansion
FibreCAT SX88
FibreCAT SX88 Expansion
FibreCAT TX08
FibreCAT TX10 PacketLoader
End User Price (£)
Options matrix
UPS/Power supply (Continued)
Cable powercord (D,..), 1.8m, grey suitable for D, A, B, F, NL, FIN, N, S, E, P,
RUS, TR x T26139-Y1740-E10 7
Cable powercord (UK, S), 1.8m, grey suitable for UK, IR x T26139-Y1744-E10 7
Mounting Kit FibreCAT f. PrimeCenterRack Mounting Kit FibreCAT PRIMECENTER Rack.,
Substitute Kit D:FCRAIL-1. xx xx D:FCRAIL-2 105
Mounting Kit FibreCAT f. Siemens NSN Mounting Kit FibreCAT PRIMECENTER Rack.,
Substitute Kit D:FCRAIL-2. x x D:FCRAIL-NSN 105
SX60/SX80/SX88 with LINUX FibreCAT SX60/SX80/SX88 order position if
connect it to a Server with LINUX operating
x x x D:FCSX-ANLIN 1
SX80/SX88 with SOLARIS FibreCAT SX80/SX88 order position if connect
it to a Server with SOLARIS operating system. x x D:FCSX-ANSUN 1
SX60/SX80/SX88 with VMware FibreCAT SX60/SX80/SX88 order position if
connect it to a Server with VMware operating
x x x D:FCSX-ANVM 1
SX60/SX80/SX88 with Windows FibreCAT SX60/SX80/SX88 order position if
connect it to a Server with WINDOWS
operating system.
x x x D:FCSX-ANWIN 1
Local Service Display OptionKit S2 LCD display with installation kit x S26361-F2557-E104 58
Serial port option Cable with 9 pin D-SUB interface x S26361-F2571-E10 20
Fan upgrade kit hot-plug redundancy Redundant hot plug fans option, incl. 4 fans,
cage and electronics x S26361-F2621-E4 51
Parallelport Option Centronics Cable with 25 pin Centronics interface x S26361-F3120-E2 14
Factory-inst. Solutions
SI COM LUN Configuration Standard Configuration for LUN distribution Standard x D:FCX300-CONF-STD 210
SI COM LUN Configuration Context on Disk Configuration for LUN distribution with Context
on Disk x D:FCX300-CONF-COD 1
RAID Systems
RAID Ctrl 2-Kanal 128MB BBU LSI LSI 320-2,TBBU, U320, PCI Controller, 128MB x D:FCNX-RAID 559
SX60/SX80/SX88 non FSC Server Connection FibreCAT SX60/SX80/SX88 order position to
connect non FSC Server. x x x D:FCSX-ANNON 1
SX60/SX80 /SX88 Primergy Connection FibreCAT SX60/SX80/SX88 order position to
connect PRIMERGY Server. x x x D:FCSX-ANPS 1
SX80/SX88 Primepower/SES Connection FibreCAT SX80/SX88 order position to connect
PRIMEPOWER / Sparc Enterprise Server. x x D:FCSX-ANPW 1
Cables FC CX3_xx CABLE HSSDC to HSSDC2 (5 m)- Fibre channel cable , 5 m , Connecting cable
FibreCAT CX Model between two Rack´s,
x D:FC1-HSSDC-5M 150
FC CX3_xx CABLE HSSDC2 to HSSDC2 (5 m) Fibre channel cable , 5 m , Connecting cable
FibreCAT CX Model between two Rack´s,
x D:FC2-HSSDC-5M 164
Cascading Cable FibreCAT SX Cascading Cable 0.5m x x x D:FCSX-IO-CAB 49
S80 Shelf connector cable FibreCAT S80 Cascading Cable 0.6m x D:S80-HSSDC 73
Storage MTCQuickstart Primergy Linux Quickstart Primergy Linux x D:FCTX08-L 6
Quickstart other Server Quickstart other Server x D:FCTX08-OS 6
Quickstart Primquest Linux Quickstart Primquest Linux x D:FCTX08-PL 6 Orderable from: 01/11/2007
Quickstart Primquest Windows Quickstart Primquest Windows x D:FCTX08-PW 6
Quickstart Primpower/ SES Solaris Quickstart Primpower/ SES Solaris x D:FCTX08-S 6
Quickstart Primergy VMWare Quickstart Primquest VMWare x D:FCTX08-VMW 6
Quickstart Primergy Windows Quickstart Primergy Windows x D:FCTX08-W 6
Quickstart PRIMEQUEST Linux Quickstart PRIMEQUEST Linux x D:FCTX48-L 6
Quickstart PRIMERGY Linux Quickstart PRIMERGY Linux x D:FCTX48-LP 6
Quickstart Other Server Quickstart Other Server x D:FCTX48-OS 6
Quickstart PRIMEQUEST Windows Quickstart PRIMEQUEST Windows x D:FCTX48-PW 6
Quickstart PRIMEPOWER/SES Solaris Quickstart PRIMEPOWER/SES Solaris x D:FCTX48-S 6
Quickstart PRIMERGY Windows Quickstart PRIMERGY Windows x D:FCTX48-W 6
Quickstart PRIMERGY Linux BS PRIMERGY Linux license x D:FCTX-LIZL 6
Quickstart Other Server BS Other Server license x D:FCTX-LIZOS 6
Quickstart PRIMEQUEST Linux BS PRIMEQUEST Linux license x D:FCTX-LIZPL 6
Quickstart PRIMEQUEST Windows BS PRIMEQUEST WIndows license x D:FCTX-LIZPW 6
Quickstart PRIMEPOWER/SES Solaris Quickstart Guide Primepower/ SES Server x D:FCTX-LIZS 6
Qickstart PRIMERGY Windows BS PRIMERGY Windows license x D:FCTX-LIZW 6
Storage FibreCAT
FibreCAT CX single standby power supply FibreCAT CX Single-SPS, One Accublock . x D:FCCX-SPS-S 430
Single Disk 300GB/15k f FibreCAT CX3 Single Disk 300GB/15K for CX3-xx Model.,
Interface: FC with 4 GBit/s. (520BPS) x D:FCX4D1-30015-E 1503
Single Disk 73GB/15k f FibreCAT CX3 Single Disk 73GB/15K for CX3-10 Model.,
Interface: FC with 4 GBit/s. (520BPS) x D:FCX4D1-7315-E 622
Single Disk ATA 320GB/5k4 f FibreCAT CX Single Disk 320GB/5400 for CX Model., ATA
Harddisk only actuate for ATA Entry Shelf. x D:FCXAD1-32054D 556 Phased out
Single Disk ATA 500GB/7k2 f FibreCAT CX Single Disk 500GB/7200 for CX Model., ATA
Harddisk only actuate for ATA Entry Shelf. x D:FCXAD1-50072D 780
Single Disk SATA II 500GB/7k2 FC CX3 Single Disk 500GB/7200 rpm for CX3-10
Model., SATA II Harddisk with converter to FC
interface., (Model: Northstar)
x D:FCXAD1-50072N-E 909
EinzelPlatte SATA II 750GB/7k2 FC CX3 Single Disk 750GB/7200 rpm for CX3 Model.,
SATA II Harddisk with converter to FC
interface., (Model: Northstar)
x D:FCXAD1-75072N-E 1154
Single Disk 146GB/15k f FibreCAT CX3 Single Disk 146GB/15K for CX3-10 Model.,
Interface: FC with 4 GBit/s. (520BPS) xx D:FCX4D1-14615-E 965
Single Disk 500GB/7,2K f FibreCAT CX3 Single Disk 500GB/7.2K for CX3-xx Model.,
Interface: FC with 2 GBit/s. (520BPS) x D:FCX2D1-50072 993
Single Disk FC 300GB/10k f FibreCAT CX Single Disk 300GB/10K for CX Model. x x x D:FCXD1-30010D 1000
Single Disk FC 146GB/15k f FibreCAT CX Single Disk 146GB/15K for CX Model. x x D:FCXD1-14615D 965
Single Disk 146GB/10k f FibreCAT CX Single Disk 146GB/10K for CX Model. x x x D:FCXD1-14610D 671
Single Disk 73GB/15k f FibreCAT CX Single Disk 73GB/15K for CX Model. x x x D:FCXD1-7315D 619
Single Disk 73GB/10k f FibreCAT CX Single Disk 73GB/10K for CX Model. x x x D:FCXD1-7310D 430
FibreCAT TX devices
FibreCAT TX24 Licence 12 - 24 Slot FibreCAT TX24 License 12 - 24 Slot, License
for second changer magazine (slots 13 - 24),
For all FibreCAT TX24 Models
x D:FCTX-24S-UPG 1056Price change
FibreCAT TX48 Licence Slot 13-24 FibreCAT TX48 license 13 - 24 Slot, License
for second changer magazine (slots 13 - 24) x D:FCTX48-24S-UPG 1664
FibreCAT TX48 Licence Slot 25-36 FibreCAT TX48 license 25 - 36 Slot, License
for second changer magazine (slots 25 - 36) x D:FCTX48-36S-UPG 1664
FibreCAT TX48 Licence Slot 37-48 FibreCAT TX48 license 37 - 48 Slot, License
for second changer magazine (slots 37 - 48) x D:FCTX48-48S-UPG 1664
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Price book November 7th 2007