PRIMERGY Storage Accessories Data Sheets: http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com/primergy
Category Description Details
End User Price (£)
Accessories & services matrix
OS/Application-SW (Continued)
ARCserve r11.5 LX Advantage IngresOption BrightStor ARCserve r11.5 for Enterprise Option for Advantage Ingres for Linux! Hardware
and operating system dependent extract from the following link:, CA Certified Device List
https://supportconnectw.ca.com/public/storage/infodocs/basb115linux/basblx115_cdl.asp, ,
CA Compatibility Matrix (Linux),
x x U15355-C812 906
1Yr Mnt ARCserve LX Advantage Ingres Opt BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Enterprise Option for Advantage Ingres for Linux - 1 Year
CA Enterprise Maintenance Bestehend aus: 24x7 priority enterprise phone-based support;
Unlimited access to SupportConnect, CA´s web-based support infrastructure; Download
software and patches; Upgrade protection for 1 year...!
x x U15355-C812U1 232
3Yr Mnt ARCserve LX Advantage Ingres Opt BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Enterprise Option for Advantage Ingres for Linux - 3 year
CA Enterprise Maintenance Bestehend aus: 24x7 priority enterprise phone-based support;
Unlimited access to SupportConnect, CA´s web-based support infrastructure; Download
software and patches; Upgrade protection for 1 year...!
x x U15355-C812U3 697
BrightStor High Availability Upgrade BrightStor High Availability r11.1 Upgrade to 2 XOsoft WANSyncHA for Oracle Standard
server- inclusive 3 years CA Enterprise Maintenance. Offers Data replication with High
Availability for Oracle server. Product includes 1x media kit and 1x license for two servers.
x x U15260-C71 7577
1Yr Mnt ARCserve WIN Exchange Bundle BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Windows Premium MS Exchange Bundle - 1 Year CA
Enterprise Maintenance Bestehend aus: 24x7 priority enterprise phone-based support;
Unlimited access to SupportConnect, CA´s web-based support infrastructure; Download
software and patches; Upgrade protection for 1 year...!
x x U15355-C413U1 286
3Yr Mnt ARCserve WIN Exchange Bundle BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Windows Premium MS Exchange Bundle - 3 years CA
Enterprise Maintenance Bestehend aus: 24x7 priority enterprise phone-based support;
Unlimited access to SupportConnect, CA´s web-based support infrastructure; Download
software and patches; Upgrade protection for 3 years...!
x x U15355-C413U3 858
ARCserve r11.5 WIN Exchange Prem.Bundle ARCserve r11.5 MS Exchange Premium Bundle! Consisting of ARCserve r11.5 Exchange
Agent and ARCserve r11.5 MS Exchange Premium Add-On! BrightStor ARCserve Backup
r11.5 is for Windows 2000 / 2003 certified and released! Hardware and operating system
dependent extract from the following link:, CA Certified Device List (Windows),
CA Compatibility Matrix (Windows),
x x U15355-C713 1115
UP ARCserve r11.5 Lotus/Domino Agent ARCserve r11.5 for Windows Agent for Lotus/Domino Upgrade from ARCserve v9, r11.0
or r11.1 for Windows!! BrightStor ARCserve Backup r11.5 is for Windows 2000 / 2003
certified and released!, Hardware and operating system dependent extract from the
following link:, CA Certified Device List (Windows),
CA Compatibility Matrix (Windows),
x x U15355-C715-U 522
ARCserve r11.5 LX Disk Staging Option BrightStor ARCserve r11.5 for Linux Disk Staging Option! Hardware and operating system
dependent extract from the following link:, CA Certified Device List (Linux),
https://supportconnectw.ca.com/public/storage/infodocs/basb115linux/basblx115_cdl.asp, ,
CA Compatibility Matrix (Linux),
x x U15355-C813 346
BrightStor High Availability Upgrade BrightStor High Availability r11.1 Upgrade to 2 XOsoft WANSyncHA for Exchange
Standard server- inclusive 3 years CA Enterprise Maintenance. Offers Data replication with
High Availability for Exchange server. Product includes 1x media kit and 1x license for two
x x U15260-C72 7577
1Yr Mnt ARCserve WIN Exchange Add On BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Windows MS Exchange Premium Add-On - 1 Year CA
Enterprise Maintenance Bestehend aus: 24x7 priority enterprise phone-based support;
Unlimited access to SupportConnect, CA´s web-based support infrastructure; Download
software and patches; Upgrade protection for 1 year...!
x x U15355-C414U1 178
3Yr Mnt ARCserve WIN Exchange Add On BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Windows MS Exchange Premium Add-On - 3 years CA
Enterprise Maintenance Bestehend aus: 24x7 priority enterprise phone-based support;
Unlimited access to SupportConnect, CA´s web-based support infrastructure; Download
software and patches; Upgrade protection for 3 years...!
x x U15355-C414U3 535
ARCserve r11.5 WIN Exchange Prem.Add-On ARCserve r11.5 MS Exchange Premium Add-On; works with ARCserve r11.5 basic and
ARCserve r11.5 Exchange Agent! Allows the backup and restore on document section!
BrightStor ARCserve Backup r11.5 is for Windows 2000 / 2003 certified and released!
Hardware and operating system dependent extract from the following link:, CA Certified
Device List (Windows),
CA Compatibility Matrix (Windows),
x x U15355-C714 696
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Price book November 7th 2007