Console systems Data Sheets: http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com/primepower
Model Description Details
End User Price (£)
Base unit configurations
PW RACK Console
RC23 with 17"-TFT and UK keyboard Rack console with 17"-TFT monitor, keyboard, touchpad and EBS for DC/PC/3rd
party racks, incl. assembly., , delivered cable-: VGA, PS/"-mouse, -keyboard,
USB - length 3m, power cord IEC320 - 3m, CD mouse's driver / manual RC23, ,
Connection of PS/2-mouse/keyboard over USB-PS/2-adapter is here not
possible and not allowed!, , In order to re-fitting in the PCR1-Rack (GP70F-
BG4x) one support bracket (GP70F-ZB211) must be ordered in addition.
D:GPRAC-MO08Z17 1259
RC23 mit 17"-TFT u. US/Int. Tastatur Rack console with 17"-TFT monitor, keyboard, touchpad and EBS for DC/PC/3rd
party racks, incl. assembly (cable management and support bracket)., delivered
cable:VGA, PS/2-mouse, -keyboard, USB - length 3m, power cord IEC320 - 3m,
CD mouse's driver / manual RC23, , Connection of PS/2-mouse/keyboard over
USB-PS/2-adapter is here not possible and not allowed!, , In order to re-fitting in
the PCR1-Rack (GP70F-BG4x) one support bracket (GP70F-ZB211) must be
ordered in addition.
D:GPRAC-MO09Z17 1259
Console systems
Startingmid of 2004a new "System Management Console" (SMC) is provided based on PRIMEPOWER technology.The SMC forms the basis
for the administrationof the PRIMEPOWER Enterprise Servers with the systems800 and 900 upward. In comparison to the PRIMESTATION-
based SMC the new SMC is equipped with the Fujitsu-branded SPARC64TMV 1.1GHz processor offering significant better performance. The
SMCnow embraces all demands of the JAVA-based PRIMEPOWER ServerViewSuite (previous WSA) running parallel to SCS administering a
larger number of servers, provided sufficient RAM is installed to the SMC. If necessary the SMC can be upgraded with an second processor.
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Price book November 7th 2007