Category Description Details
FibreCAT CX ATA ExpansionShelf
FibreCAT CX ExpansionShelf
FibreCAT CX3 ExpansionShelf
FibreCAT CX3 Projects
FibreCAT CX300
FibreCAT CX300 Projects
FibreCAT CX3-10C
FibreCAT CX3-20
FibreCAT CX3-20C
FibreCAT CX3-40
FibreCAT CX3-40C
FibreCAT CX3-80
FibreCAT NX20
FibreCAT NX40
FibreCAT S80 Extension
FibreCAT SX30
FibreCAT SX40
FibreCAT SX60
FibreCAT SX60 Expansion
FibreCAT SX80
FibreCAT SX80 Expansion
FibreCAT SX88
FibreCAT SX88 Expansion
FibreCAT TX08
FibreCAT TX10 PacketLoader
End User Price (£)
Options matrix
SW FibreCAT (Continued)
Navisph.Agent Sw.Kit Novell (per site) Navisphere Agent SW KIT for Novell.,
Contents: CD xx D:FCAGNW-KIT 1
FibreCat SwKit NaviMgmt WG FC SW Kit NaviMgmt f CX WG (Workgroup),
SWCD, Content:, CD for installation xx D:FCNAV-WGKIT 1
FC SW PowerPath Kit Windows FC SW PowerPath WIN Kit, Contens : CD and
Document xx D:FCPP-WN-KIT 1
FibreCat SwKit MirrorView/Async f CX3 FC SW Kit MirrorView/Async for CX3-xx , SW
CD, Content:, CD for installation x D:FCMVA3-KIT 1
FibreCat SwKit MirrorView S/A f CX3 FC SW Kit MirrorView/Async for CX3-xx, SW
CD, Content:, CD for installation x D:FCMVAL3-KIT 1
FibreCat SwKit MirrorView/Sync f CX3 FC SW Kit MirrorView/Sync for CX3-xx, SW
CD, Content:, CD for installation x D:FCMVS3-KIT 1
FibreCat SwKit NaviMgmt DP FC SW Kit NaviMgmt f CX DP (Departmental),
SWCD, Content:, CD for installation xx D:FCNAV-DPKIT 1
FibreCat SwKit NaviMgmt EN FC SW Kit NaviMgmt f CX EN (Enterprise),
SWCD, Content:, CD for installation xx D:FCNAV-ENKIT 1
FibreCat SwLicUpg NaviMgmt f CX300 WG-DP FC SL NaviMgmt f CX300 WG DP, SW
Upgrade License from 2 on (3-7) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV300-WG-DP 2017
FibreCAT SwLic NAVI CX3-20 WG TO DP UPG FC SL NaviMgmt f CX3-20 WG DP, SW
Upgrade License from 2 on (3-7) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV32-WG-DP 7049
FibreCAT SwLic NAVI CX3-40 WG TO DP UPG FC SL NaviMgmt f CX3-40 WG DP, SW
Upgrade License from 2 on (3-7) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV34-WG-DP 11836
FibreCAT SwLic NAVI CX3-80 WG TO DP UPG FC SL NaviMgmt f CX3-80 WG DP, SW
Upgrade License from 2 on (3-7) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV38-WG-DP 14794
FibreCat SwLicUpg NaviMgmt f CX300 WG-EN FC SL NaviMgmt f CX300 WG EN, SW
Upgrade License from 2 on (8+) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV300-WG-EN 3633
FibreCAT SwLic NAVI CX3-20 WG TO EN UPG FC SL NaviMgmt f CX3-20 WG EN, SW
Upgrade License from 2 on (8+) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV32-WG-EN 12643
FibreCAT SwLic NAVI CX3-40 WG TO EN UPG FC SL NaviMgmt f CX3-40 WG EN, SW
Upgrade License from 2 on (8+) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV34-WG-EN 23133
FibreCAT SwLic NAVI CX3-80 WG TO EN UPG FC SL NaviMgmt f CX3-80 WG EN, SW
Upgrade License from 2 on (8+) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV38-WG-EN 28888
FibreCat SwLicUpg NaviMgmt f CX300 DP-EN FC SL NaviMgmt f CX300 DP EN, SW
Upgrade License from 7 on (8+) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV300-DP-EN 1615
FibreCAT SwLic NAVI CX3-20 DP TO EN UPG FC SL NaviMgmt f CX3-20 DP EN, SW
Upgrade License from 7 on (8+) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV32-DP-EN 5594
FibreCAT SwLic NAVI CX3-40 DP TO EN UPG FC SL NaviMgmt f CX3-40 DP EN, SW
Upgrade License from 7 on (8+) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV34-DP-EN 11297
FibreCAT SwLic NAVI CX3-80 DP TO EN UPG FC SL NaviMgmt f CX3-80 DP EN, SW
Upgrade License from 7 on (8+) Hosts ,
Content:, License Paper
x D:FCNAV38-DP-EN 14094
FC SW PowerPath Kit UNIX FC SW PowerPath UNIX/SOLARIS Kit,
Contens : CD and Document x D:FCPP-UX-KIT 1
FC SwLic PowerPath Netw. WG (per server) FC SW PowerPath Netware Workgruppe,
Novell (1-2 CPUs) xx D:FCPP-NW-WG 776
FC SwLic PowerPath Netw. DP (per server) FC SW PowerPath Netware Departmental,
Novell (4-6 CPUs) xx D:FCPP-NW-DP 1357
FC SwLic PowerPath Netw. EN (per server) FC SW PowerPath Netware Enterprise, Novell
(>7 CPUs) xx D:FCPP-NW-EN 3836
FC SW PowerPath Kit Novell FC SW PowerPath Novell Kit, Contens: CD
and Document xx D:FCPP-NW-KIT 1
FC SwLic PwrPath Solaris WG (per server) PowerPath Workgruppe, Solaris (VolMgr) x x D:FCPP-SUN-WG 1549
FC SwLic PwrPath Solaris DP (per server) PowerPath Department, Solaris (VolMgr) x x D:FCPP-SUN-DP 3755
FC SwLic PwrPath Solaris EN (per server) PowerPath Enterprise, Solaris (VolMgr) x x D:FCPP-SUN-EN 7748
FC SwLic PwrPath Solaris GB (per server) PowerPath Global, Solaris (VolMgr) x x D:FCPP-SUN-GB 21304
FC SwKit PowerPath Solaris FC SW PowerPath with Volume Manager ,
(SOLARIS) Kit, Contens : CD and Document xx D:FCPP-SUN-KIT 1
FC SwLic PowerPath Linux WG (per server) FC SW PowerPath Linux Workgruppe, (1-2
CPUs) xx D:FCPP-LX-WG 776
FC SwLic PowerPath Linux DP (per server) FC SW PowerPath Linux Departmental, (4-6
CPUs) xx D:FCPP-LX-DP 1357
FC SwLic PowerPath Linux EN (per server) FC SW PowerPath Linux Enterprise, (>7
CPUs) xx D:FCPP-LX-EN 3836
FC SW PowerPath Kit Linux FC SW PowerPath Linux Kit, Contens: CD and
Document xx D:FCPP-LX-KIT 1
FibreCAT SW Utilities Windows Utility kit for PowerPath Windows x x D:FCUTIL-WIN 24
FibreCAT SW Utilities Solaris Utility kit for PowerPath Solaris x x D:FCUTIL-SUN 24
FibreCAT SW Utilities NovellNetware Utility kit for PowerPath Netware x x D:FCUTIL-NW 24
FibreCAT SW Utilities Linux Utility kit for PowerPath Linux x x D:FCUTIL-LNX 24
Professional Services
FibreCAT CX Storage Expansion System implementation support by service
‘FibreCAT CX Storage Expansion’ xxxxxxxxxxxx CPS:ST-ONL-21016FX 360
FibreCAT CX Storage Extension, Advanced System Implementation Service,FibreCAT CX
Storage Extension, Advanced’ xxxxxxxxxxxx CPS:ST-ONL-21020FX 600
FC SX60 16 Snapshots Upgrade to 16 SnapShots for FibreCAT SX60 x D:FCSX60-SNAP 1196
FC SX80 32 Snapshots Upgrade to 32 SnapShots for FibreCAT SX80 x D:FCSX80-SNAP 2566
FC SX88 32 Snapshots Upgrade to 32 SnapShots for FibreCAT SX88 x D:FCSX88-SNAP 2566
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Price book November 7th 2007