Category Description Details
FibreCAT CX200
FibreCAT CX300
FibreCAT CX400
FibreCAT CX500
FibreCAT NX20
FibreCAT NX40
FibreCAT SX30
FibreCAT SX40
FibreCAT SX60
FibreCAT SX60 Expansion
FibreCAT SX80
FibreCAT SX80 Expansion
FibreCAT SX88
FibreCAT SX88 Expansion
End User Price (£)
Accessories & services matrix
OS/Application-SW (Continued)
3Yr Mnt ARCserve WIN SharePnt Portal Agt BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Windows
Share Point Portal Agent - 3 years CA
Enterprise Maintenance Bestehend aus: 24x7
priority enterprise phone-based support;
Unlimited access to SupportConnect, CA´s
web-based support infrastructure; Download
software and patches; Upgrade protection for 3
x x x x x U15355-C432U3 535
ARCserve r11.5 WIN Share Point Portal ARCserve r11.5 für Windows Share Point
Portal Agent With this agent Microsoft Share
Point and all its components will be identify and
efficiently backed up. Hardware and operating
system dependent extract from the following
link:, CA Certified Device List (Windows),
infodocs/basb115win/basb115win_cdl.asp, ,
CA Compatibility Matrix (Windows),
x x x x x U15355-C729 696
1Yr Mnt ARCserve WIN DPM Agent BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Windows
DPM Agent - 1 Year CA Enterprise
Maintenance Bestehend aus: 24x7 priority
enterprise phone-based support; Unlimited
access to SupportConnect, CA´s web-based
support infrastructure; Download software and
patches; Upgrade protection for 1 year...!
x x x x x U15355-C433U1 178
3Yr Mnt ARCserve WIN DPM Agent BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Windows
DPM Agent - 3 years CA Enterprise
Maintenance Bestehend aus: 24x7 priority
enterprise phone-based support; Unlimited
access to SupportConnect, CA´s web-based
support infrastructure; Download software and
patches; Upgrade protection for 3 years...!
x x x x x U15355-C433U3 535
ARCserve r11.5 Enterprise Modul ARCserve r11.5 Enterprise Module; works with
ARCserve r11.5 basic! BrightStor ARCserve
Backup r11.5 is for Windows 2000 / 2003
certified and released! Hardware and operating
system dependent extract from the following
link:, CA Certified Device List (Windows),
infodocs/basb115win/basb115win_cdl.asp, ,
CA Compatibility Matrix (Windows),
x x x x x U15355-C730 2951
ARCserve r11.5 WIN DPM Agent ARCserve r11.5 for Windows DPM Agent;
works with ARCserve r11.5 basic! BrightStor
ARCserve Backup r11.5 is for Windows 2000 /
2003 certified and released! Hardware and
operating system dependent extract from the
following link:, CA Certified Device List
infodocs/basb115win/basb115win_cdl.asp, ,
CA Compatibility Matrix (Windows),
x x x x x U15355-C731 696
UPS/Power supply
Power Supply Module 400W (hot plug) for PS redundancy x S26113-F483-L11 101
Power Supply Upgrade 400W (hot plug) for optional PS redundancy, incl. mounting kit
and 1st power supply module x S26113-F483-L5 218
Serial port option Cable with 9 pin D-SUB interface x S26361-F2571-L10 20
Cables Cascading Cable for single shipment FibreCAT SX Cascading Cable 0.5m as single
shipment x x x D:FCSX-IO-CAB-L 52
SAS cable external 2 m SFF 8470-SFF 8470 with screw connection,
2.0m x S26361-F3246-L20 61
SAS cable external 0.5 m SFF 8470-SFF 8470 with screw connection,
0.5m x S26361-F3246-L5 44
Fujitsu Siemens Computers Price book November 7th 2007