RMA - Recommended minimum specific LORAN-C data
| ||||||||||
| 10 | ||||||||||
| 9 | ||||||||||
| 8 | ||||||||||
+ | 7 | ||||||||||
+ |
| 6 | |||||||||
+ |
| 5 | ||||||||
+ |
| 4 | |||||||
+ |
| 3 | ||||||
+ |
| 2 |
| ||||
+ |
| 1 |
1.Status: A=data valid, V=blink, cycle or SNR warning
2.Latitude, degrees N/S
3.Longitude, degrees E/W
4.Time difference A, microseconds
5.Time difference B, microseconds
6.Speed over ground, knots
7.Course over ground, degrees true
8.Magnetic variation(see note 1),degree E/W
9.Mode indicator(see note 2)
NOTE 1 - Easterly variation(E) subtracts from true course Westerly variation(W) adds to true course
NOTE 2 Positioning system Mode indicator:
A = Autonomous
D = Differential
E = Estimated (dead reckoning)
M = Manual input
S = Simulator
N = Data not valid
The Mode indicator field supplements the Status field. The Status field shall be set to V=invalid for all values of Operating Mode except for A=Autonomous and D=Differential. The positioning system Mode indicator and Status field shall not be null fields.