VTG- Course over ground and ground speed
| |||||||||
| 6 | ||||||||
5 | |||||||||
+ | 4 | ||||||||
| 3 | |||||||
| 2 |
| |||||
+ |
| 1 |
1.Course over ground, degrees true
2.Course over ground, degrees magnetic
3.Speed over ground, knots
4.Speed over ground, km/h
5.Mode indicator(see note)
NOTE Positioning system Mode indicator:
A = Autonomous
D = Differential
E = Estimated (dead reckoning)
M = Manual input
S = Simulator
N = Data not valid
The positioning system Mode indicator field shall not be a null field.
ZDA - Time and date
| |||||||
+ | |||||||
+ | 6 | ||||||
+ | 5 | ||||||
+ |
| 4 | |||||
+ |
| 3 | ||||
+ |
| 2 | |||
+ |
| 1 |
2.Day, 01 to 31(UTC)
3.Month, 01 to 12(UTC)
5.Local zone hours, 00h to
6.Local zone minutes, 00 to +59 as local hours