As the SART is approached the radar will nor- mally detect the initial fast sweep of the SART so that the double dots will appear. The range delay of the first dot should be no more than 150 meters beyond the SART position.
3Radar bandwidth
This is normally matched to the radar pulselength and is usually switched with the range scale and the associated pulselength. Narrow bandwidths of
Any radar bandwidth of less than 5 MHz will at- tenuate the SART signal slightly, so it is prefer- able to use a medium bandwidth to ensure optimum detection of the SART. The Radar Op- erating Manual should be consulted about the par- ticular radar parameters and bandwidth selection.
4Radar side lobes
As the SART is approached, side lobes from the radar antenna may show the SART responses as a series of arcs or concentric ring. These can be re- moved by the use of the
5Detuning the radar
To increase the visibility of the SART in clutter conditions, the radar may be detuned to reduce the clutter without reducing the SART response. Radar with automatic frequency control may not permit manual detune of the equipment. Care should be taken in operating the radar detuned as other wanted navigational and
For maximum range SART detection the normal maximum gain should be used.
7Anti-clutter sea control
For optimum range SART detection, this control should be set to the minimum. Care should be exercised as target in sea clutter may be obscured.
Some sets have automatic/manual
8Anti-clutter rain control
This should not be used when trying to detect SARTs as the SART responses may be removed by this control.
Some sets have automatic/manual
*This information was created by CIRM and re- viewed at NAV 39 and circulated as ANNEX 8 NAV 39/WP.2/Add.1.
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