Desktop background selected in Windows disappears whenever OfficeStation is logged on OfficeStation?
User has option to show or not to show the background selected in Windows. After executing NCT-2000-XT, select “Software Setting (local)” “Information & Settings” “System Settings” and screen same as figure appears. Among many setting items on the right of the screen, note the item saying “Do not display Desktop Background”. Default setting is “Yes” which means Desktop Background selected in Windows will not be displayed when OfficeStation is logged on. Double clicking this item will change the setting to “No” which means desktop background selected in Windows will be displayed.
USB storage device connected to Host PC can not be used in OfficeStation.
You must change the setting to use USB storage device in OfficeStation. After executing NCT-2000-XT, select “Software Setting (local)” “Information & Settings” “System Settings” and screen same as figure appears. Among many setting items on the right of the screen, note the item saying “Prevent access to USB-storage devices at the terminal”. Default setting is “Yes”. Therefore, change the setting to “No” by double clicking this item if USB storage device is to be used in search after logged on to OfficeStation.