Automatic Clock
The clock must be $e[ for the automatic olen tim illg functions to work properly. The time of day cannot be changed during a Timed Baking or
To Set the Clock
1. Press the CLOCK pad. | 2. Press the HO~lR and ,MIN. pads |
CLOCK | to set the time of da). |
| |
D |
The timer is a minute timer only.
The timer does not control o~’en operation. The maximum setting on [he timer is 11 hours and 59 minutes.
‘I’o Set the Timer
2. Press the HOL~R and MIN. pads until the
amount of. 1 i m yoLI want show\ i rJ th c display, The timer will start z~Llton~;ltic;.ill) within a few seconds of releasing the pad.
To Reset the Timer
If the display is still ~howing the [ i me remaining. you may change it b} pressing the HOUTR and MIN. pads until the time you want appears in the display.
If the remaining time is not in the display. recall the remaining time by pressing the TIMER ON/OFF pad and then press ing the HO~J R and M 1 IN. pads until the new time yet] want shows (>n the display.
To Cancel the Timer
To cancel the timer, the remaining time inus~ be in the displa}. To recall the time remaining. press the TIIMER ONT/OFF pad once, To ~’ancel the timer pre~s the TIMER 01’4/OFF pad again.
Power Outage
When the power is restored the display will flash “PF>’ for Power Failure unti] a pad is pressed or the knob is turne(i. Reset the clock [() the correct time of’ day.
End of’ Cvcleu Tones
If your model has a COOK TIME ON/OFF pad and your ok’en
Oven Temperature Knob
The o~’en temperature knob nmintains the temperature J’OL1 set from WARN4 { 1703F. ) to 13R01L (.550 ‘F’. j. 1[ a
1 w hai an OFF :i nd :] n A [
~ TO .S EL F C 1. E A hi wtti n g.
The PREHEATED light glows when the 01 en
reaches J’OLII- w]ectd tCINpWltLIl”~.
The 01’EN ON light will glow an! iime the (hen Temperature knob i~ not in [he OFF position and is wt on a temperature or 21 function.
14 | Appearance may ~ary |