
Your Range

Your range, like many other household items, is heavy and can settle into soft floor coverings such as cushioned vinyl or carpeting. When nm~ ing the range on this type of lloor-ing” use cw-c. :md it i~ recommended that tlww simple and inexpensi~e instructions be f_ollowed.

The range should bc installed on a 1/4 inch thick sheet of plywood (or simi Iar material ) us t_ollows: 14’hell

tlzt~flo{)r c%ot(~rifl,q (~ll(lis ([t tll(~l).ollt

(//” th(’ /“(l} l(L/t’, the L~l-C:l that the I-W1:C wi]] rest on shoLI]d be bLli]t LIp with

plyw’oocf 10 the \aIlle IeYcl or higher th:ul the floor c(~~eriny.

This mill allou the range to be mol’ed f-or clcun in: or Se I-\ icing.

For complete information see

Installation Instructions in the back of this booh.

Leveling the Range

lJe\eling wv-t”~$s are Iouuted on exh corner of” the baw of_ [he range. Rcnlo\c the bottom drawer and you can le\ c1 the range on an uneven floor with the LIW of’:~ nutdrilrer.

To remove drawer, pull drawer out all the W7ay, tilt up the front and take it out. To replace

drawer, inwrt glides at hac~ ~)i

Lh”ilw’er” beyond stop 011 I-angc

glides. L ill dtam cr it. ncces \L~rY to insert em i ly. Let f-rent ot” draw CI- down. then push in to c]OSC.

Energy-Saving Tips

Surface Cooking

~’ SC ~()()km’ are () f’ med i LIII1 we igh[ alum inure, w it h t i :ht - titt i ng

co Jcrs. and l-lat bottoms which completely Coi’er the heated portion of the iurfxe unit.

Cook fresh vegetables with a minimum amount of’ water in a covered pan.

Watch foods when bring i n: them quickly to cooking temperatures at high heat. lk’hen food reaches cooking” temperature. reduce heat immediately to lowest setting that w i] 1 keep it cooking.

Use res i dLla] heat with $Llrface

cooking whcrrever possible. For

example. when cooking eggs in the

shell. bring water and eggs to boil, then tLlrn to (JFF position and

co~ er cookware with 1 id to complete the cooking.”

Oven Cooking

Preheat oven only when necessary. Most foods” will cook sat is f’actori ly without preheating. lf yOLI find preheating is necessar~, watch the indicator light, and pLIt

food in oven promptly after the Iigh( goes Outt

. Always turn OY en OFF before removing food.

During baking, avoid frequent door openings. Keep door open as short a time m possible if it is opened.

Be sure to wipe Lip excess spillage before starling the selt- cleaning operation.

c Cook complete ()~’en meals instead of” just one food item. Potatoes, other vegetables, and some desserts will cook together- with a main-dish ca~serole, meat loaf, chicken or roa~t. Choose foods that cook at the same temperature and in approximately the same time.

Use residual heat i n the oven whenek’er possible to finish cooking casseroles, oten meals. etc. Also add rolls or precooked desserts to wwm ov”cn, LISiIl~ I-C SidLlld heat to w“w”nl them.


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GE JBP25GP, JBP26GP, JBP26AP Installing Your Range, Energy-Saving Tips, Leveling the Range, Surface Cooking, Oven Cooking