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If the module is a master, this bit resets or stops both the module and the I/O Link. If the module is a slave, setting this bit to 1 resets or stops only the module itself, not the I/OLink.
Disable or Enable the Input Update (bit 10)
To disable the input update portion of the I/O scan, write a 1 to control bit 10. This might be done during program debugging, or if the program uses multiple calls to the LINKxxX Program Block. Disabling the input update causes the module to ignore new inputs it receives. To re±enable input updates, clear control bit 10 by writing a 0 to it.
Remember that input data is considered to be output data by the device that sends it (see page 26 for an explanation of input and output data).
If the module is a master, setting this bit to 1 causes all input references assigned to devices on the link to hold their last states. The slaves continue to send data to the master, but the new data is ignored by the master; no data is written to the input table.
If the module is a slave, setting this bit to 1 causes the input references assigned to the module to hold their last states. The master continues to send data to the slave, but the new data is ignored by the slave. No data is written to the input table.
Disable or Enable the Output Update (bit 9)
Disabling the output update keeps the module from updating outputs; it does not keep the module from sending them. If outputs are disabled, the module keeps sending its last set of output data repeatedly. This might be desirable during program debugging, or if the program uses multiple calls to the Program Block.
Remember that output data is considered to be input data by the device that receives it.
To disable the output update, write a 1 to control bit 9. To re±enable output updates, clear control bit 9 by writing a 0 to it.
If the module is a master, disabling the output update means that no new data will be sent to any slaves on the link. They will continue to receive the same set of data from the master repeatedly.
If the module is a slave, disabling the output update means that no new data will be sent to the master. It will continue to receive the same set of data from that specific slave repeatedly.
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