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The application Program Block automatically provides the Series 90±70 PLC with diagnostic information about the I/O Link Interface Module, and about link operation if the module is operating as a master. The diagnostic information is placed into %P references assigned to that I/O Link Interface Module. Additional program logic can be created to read these %P references for monitoring the following:
HWhether an invalid configuration has been provided during link initialization. The link will not operate until a valid configuration has been supplied.
HWhether the I/O Link Module is operating properly.
HWhether input data is being received.
HWhether a link fault has occurred.
Chapter 4 explains how to add these diagnostics to an application program.
Link Control
In addition, the Program Block automatically reads other %P references in the Series 90±70 PLC to receive commands from the application program. These %P references can be used to instruct the I/O Link Interface Module to do the following:
HOperate as a master or a slave.
HDisable or enable the input and/or output update between the master and slave(s).
HStart or restart link operation.
HReset or stop link operation.
Use of these program references is also explained in chapter 4.
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