Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 70T Control knobs, Vitreous enamel surfaces, Stainless Steel hob

Models: 60T 70T

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Control knobs

Only use hot soapy water.

When cleaning the fascia area, care must be taken on symbols / markings. Control knobs can b e removed for cleaning, but take care to ensure that they ar e repos itioned c orrectly aft er cleaning.

Vitreous enamel surfaces

HOB SPILLAGE WELL (enamel hobs) , PAN

SUPPORTS (if fitted)

Use a mild cream cleaner .

Stainless Steel hob

Only use a clean cloth wru ng o ut in hot soapy water, and dry with a soft cloth.

Stubborn marks can be removed using “Luneta”. We recomme nd tha t y ou clean the whole of th e s tainless s teel area to maintain a u niform f inish. Supplies c an be pu rchased from the Customer Care Centre.

Do no t u se undiluted b leach or any products containing chlorides as they can permanently damage the steel.

Extra care should be taken when cook- ing food in salted water. Some foods are corrosive - eg; vinegar, fruit juices and especially salt - they can mark or damage stainless steel if they are left on the surface. Turn off and wipe any spillage imme diately, taki ng care to avoid skin contact with any hot surface or spillage.

Sharp objects can mark the surface of stainless steel, but marks will become less noticeable with time.

To maintain the finish of stainless steel, or to remove any greasy marks, wipe the stainless steel surfa ce sparingly with a minimum amount of Ba by O il and kitchen paper. Do not use cook- ing oi ls, a s th ese m ay contain salt, which can damage the stainless steel surface.

Please note: Do not steam clean any parts of the hob.

Cast iron pansupports (if fitted)

After cooking al low t he p an- supports t o cool c ompletely before attempting to remove or clean.

Before cleaning, rem ove a ny ex cess fat with kitchen paper.

The pan supports can be cleaned with hot soapy water and a nylon brush. If any food residue is left on them leave them to soak for a few minutes in hot soapy w ater before attempting to clean it. Do n ot use caustic pastes, abrasive cleaning powd ers, coarse wire wool or any hard implements, as they will damage the surface.

Do not clean in a dishwasher.


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Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 70T, 60T Control knobs, Vitreous enamel surfaces, Stainless Steel hob