Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 70T Installation advice - cabinetry, Cabinet sides, Cross-Rails

Models: 60T 70T

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Installation advice - cabinetry

Dealing w ith sid es, cross- rails and back-panels in cabinetry

Depending on the cabinets, the work- top thickness and the hob positioning, it is po ssible f or the hob ba se, the clamp brackets and/or the g as con - nection to i nterfere with parts of the cabinet. These ca n b e d ealt w ith a s follows:

Cabinet sides

If the hob i s to be i nstalled across the top of two cabinet housing units, then the base of the hob may interfere with the sides of these units. It will be nec- essary to cu t away the top of the unit sides locally to clear the ho b, cl amp brackets and/or gas connection.


1.Interference with hob base

If the re are an y cross-rails w hich obstruct th e ho b base by ru nning across the worktop cutout, they can simply b e r emoved or l ocally cut- away t o allow the h ob to be installed, depending on the p artic- ular installation. Any modifications must ensure that the strength of the cabinet is maintained.

2.Interference with clamp brackets

If the re are an y cross-rails w hich prevent th e cla mps from b eing positioned on the front or rear edges of the hob, then they can be removed or l ocally cut -away around th e brackets to allow the brackets to be installed.

Any modifications must ensure that the strength of the cabinet is main- tained.


1.Interference with clamp brackets

If t he c abinet h as a back-panel which p revents the clamps from being positioned on the rear edge of the hob, then this panel can be completely removed or locally cut- away to a llow the brackets to be installed.

2.Interference or restriction o f gas connection

If th e ca binet has a back-panel which interferes with the position of the gas supply to the hob, then the p anel c an b e c ompletely removed o r l ocally cut-away to


connection to the gas sup-




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Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 70T, 60T Installation advice - cabinetry, Cabinet sides, Cross-Rails, Back-panel