Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 70T, 60T installation instructions Pan supports, To save gas

Models: 60T 70T

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Pan supports

Always make s ure th e pan supports are replaced correctly, located in the hob spillage well, and that all rubber feet are in place , to prevent i nstabili- ty.

The hob must o nly be operated when both pa n su pports are correctl y p osi- tioned.

To save gas

Always position pans centrally over the burner.

Use the size of pan most suited to the si ze o f the burner - ie ; la rger pans on the rear bu rners, smaller pans on the front burners.

Adjust the flame s so tha t they d o not lick up the sides of the pan.

Put l ids on sa ucepans and onl y heat the amo unt o f liquid you need.

When liquids boil, reduce the con- trol setting to maintain a simmer.

Consider the u se o f a pres sure cooker fo r the co oking o f a co m- plete meal.

Potatoes and vegetables will cook

quicker if chopped i nto s maller pieces.


Extra care should be taken when cook- ing food in salted water. Some foods are corrosive - eg; vinegar, fruit juices and especially salt - they can mark or damage stainless steel if they are left on the surface. Turn off and wipe any spillage immediately, taking care to avoid skin contact with any hot surface or spillage.


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Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 70T, 60T installation instructions Pan supports, To save gas