Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 60T, 70T Gas & Electrical connection, Ventilation

Models: 60T 70T

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Gas & Electrical connection

Please refer to

installation instructions

for the Gas & E

lectrical S afety

Regulatio ns

and the






In your own interest, and that of safe- ty, it is the law that all gas appliances be i nstalled by a com petent person, who will ensure that the i nstallation is in a ccordance with “T he G as Sa fety (Installation & Use) Regulations”, & the “The Gas Safe ty (In stallation & U se) (Amendment) Regulations”. Failure to comply w ith thes e Regulations is a criminal offence.

As with all gas a ppliances, i t is rec - ommended that your hob is se rviced regularly.

Disconnection of gas and electric appli- ances should always be carried out by competent persons.

Warning: This a ppliance mu st b e earthed.


The use of a gas cooki ng ap pliance results i n the production of he at and moisture in th e ro om in w hich it is installed. E nsure th at the ki tchen is well ventilated; kee p na tural venti la- tion holes open or install a mechanical ventilation device (mechanical extrac- tor hood).

Prolonged i ntensive u se o f the appli - ance may c all for a dditional ventil a- tion, for ex ample ope ning of a wi n- dow, or more effective ventilation, for example in creasing the le vel of mechanical ventilation where present.

Before installing and using the hob for the first time, remove any packaging or p rotective p olythene film.

Environmental Protection

We a re com mitted to p rotecting the environment a nd o perate an Environmental Management System which complies with BS EN ISO 14001.

Disposal of packaging

All our p ackaging m aterials are recyclable and environmentally friendly.

Please help u s t o protect our environment by di sposing o f a ll packaging in a n environmentally friendly manner.

Please contact your local authority for the nearest recycling centre.

Caution: Packaging materials can pose a risk of suffocation - keep away from children.


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Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 60T, 70T Gas & Electrical connection, Ventilation, Environmental Protection