Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 60T, 70T installation instructions Alternative clamp positions

Models: 60T 70T

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Alternative clamp positions

If the fr ont an d rear clamp positions are pr oblematic, al ternative positions can be used on the sides of the ho b, dependant on th e parti cular i nstalla- tion.

These positions will require clearance from any cabinet sides and may effect how tightly the hob will meet the work- top.

Stone (Granite or e quivalent) worktops

Depending on th e typ e o f worktop being used, there may or may not be any backing material to s crew the clamp screws into.

1. If the worktop is a composite type (backed with MDF or similar) there may b e en ough backing to s crew directly i nto. Thi s w ill depend on the worktop thickness and b acking thickness a nd will ha ve t o b e assessed at the installation. In this case, install the hob as for a stan- dard worktop.

2.If there is insufficient backing mate- rial to screw into, or if the worktop is comple tely solid in const ruction, then it will be necessary to glue a strip of w ood, MDF, fibreboard or similar to the underside of the work- top, along the front and rear edges of the cutout. Use a strong, propri- etary adhesive to bond these strips and a llow to cure before atte mpt- ing to clamp the hob into position.


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Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd 60T, 70T Alternative clamp positions, Stone Granite or e quivalent worktops