7.Remove the front and rear upper frame angles (4 cap screws, 4 lock washers, and 4 flat washers on each one).
8.Remove the table elevation lock knob.
9.Remove the feed motor cover (4 button head screws and setscrew on knob).
10.Remove the front conveyor guard (4 button head screws) and the cord clamp, and set the front conveyor guard off to the side of the machine.
11.Remove the rear conveyor end guards (4 but- ton head screws). The drum sander should now look similar to Figure 46.
Figure 46. Drum sander disassembled
to Step 11.
12.Raise the table up to the 1" mark on the scale.
13.Mark the chain and sprockets.
14.Loosen the chain idler adjustment sprocket, carefully pull the chain off of all the sprockets, and remove it from the cabinet by undoing the chain master link, as shown in Figure 47.
Figure 47. Chain removed from table by
removing the master link.
15.Loosen the conveyor belt from the rear adjustments, as shown in Figure 48.
Figure 48. Conveyor belt loosened at the rear
G0449/G0450 37" Drum Sander |