© 2005 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved.
•The software described herein may also be governed by the terms of a separate user license agreement. For usage of the software, refer to the end user license agreements of each software.
•In no event shall Sony Corporation be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages, whether based on tort, contract, or other wise, arising out of or in connection with this manual, the software or other information contained herein or the use thereof.
•Sony Corporation reserves the right to make any modification to this manual or the information contained herein at any time without notice.
Trademark Notice•Windows and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
•Intel and Pentium are the registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
•Air Shot is the trademark of Sony Corporation.
•Other system names, product names and company names appearing in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. In this manual such names are not indicated by ® or ™ symbols.
On Copyrights•This product includes software developed by Canon
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