Using Instant Approval Architecture

The Instant Approval Architecture system helps you to evaluate your images as quickly­

as you take them. It works by supplying immediate audio feedback, which tells you ­instantly whether each new capture is exposed correctly or likely to be rated as over- or underexposed. Simultaneously, it applies a colored code to each capture as a visual

reminder­ of its status. This status can be manually changed when browsing either imme- diately or later on. In addition, each file named is prefixed by a letter (A, B or C) according­

to status. This system also allows you to browse by filtering to show or hide only the captures you want.

The color coding and the name coding remains tagged to the file so when it appears in Phocus, the status can be used by way of filtering to speed up and facilitate the filing, browsing and selection process at that stage too.

Though you can use the system any way you like, the intention (based on the ‘traffic light’ principle) is that you should assign the levels as follows:

GREEN for your best shots.

YELLOW for images that need closer inspection.

RED for images that you are unlikely to use.

Capture file name

File names are prefixed by a letter to repre- sent the current approval status. This letter will change if the status is changed. In this example the capture is green so therefore the file name starts with 'A'.

The coding is as follows:


files start with



files start with



files start with


IAA overview

Current browse filter setting

Faster and more effective browsing can be achieved by filtering captures.

The 'brackets' represent the filtering method selected as follows:

Show all

Show green and yellow only

Show green only

Show yellow only

Show red only

Current approval status

A coloured dot represents the current approval status. The colour will change if the status is changed.

T i p

The default approval level is set by going: Menu > Storage > Default Appr Level. See later section for

details .

Standard Instant Approval workflow

The standard method of working with the Instant Approval Architecture is as follows:

1.Take a shot.

2.The camera analyses the shot to find out if it seems to be over- or underexposed. If it suspects a problem, it does the following:

provides audio feedback (if this option has been chosen) by making a warning sound, which immediately alerts you to a possible problem even if you are not look- ing at the screen. The warning sound is a rapid string of notes going up the musical scale if the image is judged as overexposed or conversely a rapid string of notes going down the musical scale if the image is judged as underexposed.

downgrades the approval status to yellow (if Approval is set to ‘Auto’).


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Hasselblad 70380534, 70380554, 70480542 Using Instant Approval Architecture, Standard Instant Approval workflow, Details