
Manual Cueing Advanced Features & Operation


Selection of AUTO-CUE mode is confirmed by the text AUTO-CUE

















in the bottom left-hand corner of the display.

Manual Cueing

With AUTO-CUE selected, the drive will automatically enter

PAUSE at the start of the audio at the beginning of a track,

The CDR-882 has a simple single-memory locator function,

whether it has been located to it with the AMS control, or

which allows the user to accurately cue a disc at a previously-

because the previous track was played. The drive will then

stored location.

enter PAUSE mode at the point where the audio level rises

Note that all the Cue functions are only operative in PLAY or

above the level which has been set in the menu system at

Edit Marker > Auto-Cue Threshold (see page 32). This

PAUSE modes.

condition is indicated on the front panel by both the green

Storage of a cue point is made with the “press” function of the

LED in the PLAY/PAUSE button and the AUTO-CUEon-

screen text flashing. Playback, with “instant” audio, will

AMS knob, which in PLAY and PAUSE modes acts as a MARK

begin when the PLAY/PAUSE button is pressed again.

button. To store the present disc location, press MARK, either










while the disc is playing, or the drive is paused at the required










location. Confirmation that a cue point has been written is










given by the word MARK in the bottom right-hand corner of the










display. Any subsequent press of the MARK button will overwrite










with new data; the MARK memory always contains the location










at the last press of MARK.



















The disc may be relocated to a stored cue point at any time by



















pressing the ID WRITE CUE button, which in PLAY and PAUSE



















modes acts as a CUE button. Playback will recommence from



















the cue point, unless AUTO-CUE or AUTO-PAUSE modes have










been selected (see below), or the disc was already in PAUSE.

The audio threshold level determining the point at which the

In these cases, playback will locate to the cue point but be

drive enters PAUSE mode is adjustable in the menu from

held in PAUSE mode. If no cue point has been stored, the CUE

-78dBFS to -24dBFS

command will be ignored.










The MARK memory is CD-frame-accurate (i.e. to approx. 13ms),

If the CUE button is used to locate to a previously-stored MARK

point, the disc will enter PAUSE mode at the cue point if AUTO-

and includes track and drive number, so it is possible to locate

CUE is enabled, instead of immediately resuming playback.

to a cue point on the other drive from that currently selected.










The last-stored cue point will remain in the MARK memory until

At the end of the track, the disc will enter PAUSE mode at the

the disc is ejected.

audio threshold point of the next track.

Editing Marker Points


The position of the cue point stored with the MARK function may

This mode is useful for ensuring that no audio from the track

be modified to improve its accuracy, or simply to alter its value

following the one required on a disc is played out inadvertently.

without having to play the disc through that point to capture the

AUTO-PAUSE mode is selected by pressing the ID AUTO/MAN/

time. The position of the cue point may be altered with frame


AUTO-CUEbutton until AUTO-PAUSEis displayed in the bottom

Editing of the MARK point is done in the menu system, at Edit

left-hand corner of the screen.

With AUTO-PAUSE selected, the drive will automatically enter

Marker > Direct Mark. Drive number and track number are

modifiable as well as the time (in mm:ss:ff). See page 32 for a

PAUSE mode at the start of a track, whether it has been located

full description of the Edit Marker process.

to it with the AMS knob or because the previous track was









played. When in PAUSE at the track start, both the green LED in


the PLAY/PAUSE button and the AUTO-PAUSE on-screen text

will flash.

This function is particularly useful when the CDR-882 is being



















used to play out spot SFXs, or similar applications. It locates a










disc to the point at the start of a track where the audio actually










begins, thereby eliminating the short (but variable) period of



















silence which often precedes the audio.



















Auto-Cue mode is enabled by pressing the ID AUTO/MAN/




























AUTO-CUEbutton, which in PLAY and PAUSE modes acts as an










AUTO-CUE mode selector. The button cycles through AUTO-CUE










and AUTO-PAUSE modes before returning to OFF:

















































































































CDR-882 User Manual Version 1.0

Page 47
Image 47
HHB comm CDR-882 user manual Manual Cueing, Editing Marker Points, Auto-Pause, Auto-Cue, Advanced Features & Operation