Setup and Configuration
To apply power, connect the appropriate Power Hub line cord into your power source. For more information on attaching a linecord, see Installing Power Cord Caps on page 7.
Once connected to power, the Orbital Head will initialize (home). During this process, both mirrors on the Mirror Head rotate to locate end stops and verify that the fixture is operating correctly.
Verifying/Uploading Catalyst Software
Check the Power Hub display in the Menu Locked mode to identify the software version loaded on that fixture. Verify that the version displayed by the fixture is the latest available. The latest software for the Roadster Orbital Head system is available in the support section of the High End Systems web site (www.highend.com/support). There are two ways to upload new software to the Roadster Orbital Head system:
1.Attach a High End Systems Upload Dongle to your computer and upload the software to your Roadster Orbital Head system using WinUpload software.
WinUpload software requires a computer running Microsoft® Windows® 95, 98, ME, XP, or 2000 operating system. To Install the WinUpload Software, create a WinUpload folder on your hard drive. Download the Upload Module from www.highend.com/support page for your product and copy the WinUpload.exe and inpout32.dll files into the folder on your hard drive.
2.Crossload software from one fixture that contains the new software to all other Roadster Orbital Head systems on the link, (see Crossloading Fixture Software (XLD) on page 33.
Note: Before you can upload new software, you must disconnect any controllers, bypass any serial data distributors and/or data line optoisolators, and bypass or make sure that any fixtures using
Setting a DMX Start Channel
A lighting console uses a start channel to identify the range of channels on a DMX link associated with a particular fixture. A standard DMX512 link has 512 available channels to divide among all the devices on the link. The start channel is the first channel in a designated fixture’s channel range. A fixture must have a unique channel range to respond independently to controller commands.
To determine a valid start channel for a fixture, first identify the channel range (the number of consecutive channels a fixture requires) of every fixture on the link. Each Orbital Head System requires a block of 12 consecutive channels on a
Set the start channel using the Power Hub’s onboard menu system.
Roadster Orbital Head System User Manual | 15 |