Blade Spindle Assembly
1.Bearing cups and cones are designed to work together. It is important to position them so bearing cone taper mates with bearing cup taper.
2.Lubricate new cups with a light oil. Place them in spindle housing so they will mate with cones. Seat cups against machined shoulder of hous- ing with a press or by placing a large drift on the flat lip and driving them into housing.
3.Place bottom bearing cone onto spindle shaft with taper up. Seat on bottom shoulder of shaft with a press.
4.Insert shaft and bearing cone assembly through bottom of housing.’Fill housing cavity with a lithium grease of #2 consistencywith a MOLY (molybdenum disulfide) additive.
5.Place top bearing cone on shaft to mate with top bearing cup.
Bearing adjustment is set by pressing sleeve against bearing cone until
proper adjustment is attained.
6.Install sleeve on shaft and press sleeve and bearing cone onto shaft until all bearing free play is removed and there is a slight drag (similar to adjusting the front wheel bearings on an automobile). Check by spinning spindle. It should turn freely.
6.Be careful not to
7. Should you
1 - 1 Improper positioning of seals can cause seal failure.
8. Proper seal installation is important. An improp- erly installed seal will leak and could cause bearing failure.
9.Pull the rubber portion of seal back and locate. spring.
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1.Soindle assembly *’
4.Bearing cone
5.Housing and cups
Spindle Assembly
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